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- breathiness
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- 1. 刺鍼法acupuncture [show details]
…the same treatment on subsequent visits. Three important concepts in acupuncture are qi, yin/yang, and Five Elements. Qi (pronounced "chee") is frequently translated as "vital energy" . It is felt to permeate …
- 2. アレルギー性鼻炎および結膜炎に対する補完代替療法complementary and alternative therapies for allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis [show details]
…thought to work on the principle of redistribution of qi, the life energy. In TCM, disease is believed to originate from an imbalance of qi or poor flow of qi. The difficulties in designing trials of acupuncture…
- 3. 不安症状および不安障害に対する補完代替療法:身体的、認知的および精神的介入complementary and alternative treatments for anxiety symptoms and disorders physical cognitive and spiritual interventions [show details]
…practice utilizes breath awareness, mantra, chanting, sound, visualization, and focus on concepts such as qi circulation, aesthetics, and moral values. Qigong treatment incorporates mind-body operational skills …
- 4. 成人のがん生存者における心理社会的問題の概要overview of psychosocial issues in the adult cancer survivor [show details]
…Further details are discussed separately. Activities that enhance mind-body interactions such as yoga, qi-gong, and meditation can improve quality of life for cancer survivors with psychosocial distress. As …
- 5. ヨガの概要overview of yoga [show details]
…elsewhere: Yoga is one of several mind and body practices (eg, massage, meditation, Pilates, qi gong, relaxation techniques, tai chi) that use interactions among the mind, body, and behavior to promote …
Japanese Journal
- 片側性声帯麻痺に対するdouble-bent Cathelin needleを用いた声帯内カルシウムハイドロキシアパタイト注入術の臨床的検討
- 気息性の知覚 : 音響関連量について,また方法論的要因による影響
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