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- 1. 爪疾患の概要overview of nail disorders [show details]
…fold when viewed from the side, is >180° in clubbed nails and 160° in normal nails Clubbed fingers show the Schamroth sign, the obliteration of the diamond-shaped window normally visible when the dorsal surfaces …
- 2. 間質性肺疾患を有する成人に対するアプローチ:臨床的評価approach to the adult with interstitial lung disease clinical evaluation [show details]
…associated with clubbing include cystic fibrosis, pulmonary arteriovenous malformations, cyanotic heart disease, malignancies of the lung and pleura, and inflammatory bowel disease . When clubbing occurs in …
- 3. 先天性心疾患のある成人に生じる肺高血圧症の臨床症状と診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension in adults with congenital heart disease [show details]
… have central cyanosis and clubbing involving all extremities equally; however, the pattern and degree of cyanosis and clubbing depend upon the patient hemodynamic… evidence of right atrial enlargement, right axis deviation, and right ventricular hypertrophy or bi-ventricular hypertrophy. A chest radiograph is not required for the diagnosis of PH-CHD but is generally …
- 4. 成人における肝硬変:病態、臨床症状、および診断cirrhosis in adults etiologies clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… Clubbing and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy are two additional findings in patients with cirrhosis. Clubbing is present when the angle… Physical examination of the liver can be helpful for assessing its shape,… the presence of a hypertrophied caudate lobe (such as seen in patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome),…
- 5. 骨サルコイドーシスsarcoidosis of bone [show details]
… clubbing was observed in only 2 of 136 patients at disease presentation and in only two more at follow-up . Unilateral clubbing and localized periostitis without clubbing have also… suggesting a U-shaped range of the association of vitamin D levels with fracture risk,…
Japanese Journal
- 三川 猛
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 42(10), 1291-1297, 1990
- … TEM で, スリット状毛細血管の減少, 毛細血管の拡張または狭小, 内皮細胞の肥厚,中間径フィラメントの増生, 毛細血管内腔への villi 状ないし小空胞状の突出, syncytial knot, cytotrophoblast の増生, microvilli の棍棒状肥大. …
- NAID 110002105820
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- 古くから,X線診断上,集中ひだの先端が太まっている所見は,棍棒状の肥大,肥厚と表現され,癌診断の有力な手がかりとされてきた.これは単に,形の類似から連想されただけでなく,この言葉の持つ荒々しいイメージも強く働いて名付けられたのかも ...
- とは手指や足趾の先端が棍棒状に肥大したものを いう(図1).ば ち指はHOAの 最も特徴的かつ重要 な症状であり,ば ち指のみが骨膜炎と関節炎を伴 わずに現れることもありうる. ばち指そのものは通常は無症状であり,患 者の
- 棍棒状肥大,棍 棒状肥厚clubbing,club-1ike thickening 融合fusion ひだの蚕食像encroachment of the fold eroded edge of the fold(→ 陥凹の項で再びふれる) 架橋ひだbridging fold 5.出 血hemorrhage,bleeding 活動性出血active
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- 英
- club-like thickening
- 同
- 棍棒状肥大
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- hypertrophy
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- 関
- 過形成、増殖
- 英
- macro
- 関
- マクロ