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- 1. 牽引性脱毛症traction alopecia [show details]
… schoolchildren had traction alopecia. Traction alopecia can also occur in infants. A case report documents traction folliculitis (an early presentation of traction alopecia) in an eight-month-old child …
- 2. がん全身療法における脱毛症alopecia related to systemic cancer therapy [show details]
…lower portion of the hair follicle, as occurs in autoimmune alopecia areata, can result in a nonscarring alopecia. Immune-mediated alopecia areata can also be induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors that …
- 3. 円形脱毛症:臨床症状および診断alopecia areata clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… regrowth Unlike cicatricial alopecias, the inflammatory process in alopecia areata does not lead to permanent destruction of the hair follicle. The mechanisms leading to alopecia areata are not fully understood …
- 4. 円形脱毛症:マネージメントalopecia areata management [show details]
… diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP) or squaric acid dibutyl ester (SADBE) for patchy alopecia areata, alopecia totalis, and/or alopecia universalis found an overall rate of complete (90 to 100 percent) hair regrowth …
- 5. 爪疾患の概要overview of nail disorders [show details]
…nail brittleness include : Aging; Pregnancy; Associated dermatoses (eg, eczema, lichen planus, alopecia areata) Systemic disorders (eg, peripheral arterial disease, iron deficiency anemia, endocrine …
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- 枕はげ、新生児後頭脱毛 neonatal occipital alopecia
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- ハゲ、禿