- 英
- forthcoming
- available when required or as promised; "federal funds were not forthcoming"
- まさに来よう(現れよう)としている;来たるべき,今度の / 《補語にのみ用いて》《しばしば否定文で》手近に用意されで / 《話》《しばしば否定文で》喜んで(進んで)手助けする
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- 1. 北アフリカへの旅行によって感染する可能性のある疾患diseases potentially acquired by travel to north africa [show details]
… Libya, and Tunisia require travelers to have a yellow fever vaccination certificate if they are coming from specified areas in South America or sub-Saharan Africa. Both cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis…
- 2. 南部アフリカへの旅行によって感染する可能性のある疾患diseases potentially acquired by travel to southern africa [show details]
…However, yellow fever vaccine is required for entry into Southern African countries for travelers coming from infected areas. Many areas in Southern Africa are suitable for dengue virus transmission …
- 3. 成人における聴覚の音声の増幅hearing amplification in adults [show details]
…include hearing aids, amplified telephones, and portable devices that can be used to amplify the sound coming from electronic systems at public events. Implantable hearing devices (eg, cochlear implants, osseointegrated …
- 4. 大量喀血:原因massive hemoptysis causes [show details]
…that the source of bleeding is the lower respiratory tract, the possibility that the blood may be coming from a non-pulmonary source, such as the upper airway or the gastrointestinal tract, should be considered …
- 5. 成人における急性下部消化管出血に対するアプローチapproach to acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding in adults [show details]
…the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and initial management of acute GI bleeding thought to be coming from the colon. The etiology of lower GI bleeding and the treatment of specific causes of bleeding …
Japanese Journal
- 学ぶ門には福来たる (特集 財政担当者が読んでおきたい書籍)
- 鯖猫(さばねこ)長屋ふしぎ草紙 色男、来たる(前編)
- 蜷川幸雄の演劇の解体、脱神話化、そして来たるべき演劇 (追悼・蜷川幸雄)
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- If we consider that the relative risk of 6-month survival free of dependence is 1.86 with a cooling level of 32°C compared with 34°C in the entire population enrolled in the trial, a forthcoming clinical trial would need a sample size of 137 patients in each group on the basis of a 2-tailed analysis with a significance threshold (α) of 0.025 and a statistical power (1-β) of 0.95, with the assumption of an exponential survival distribution, a linear recruitment rate, and no dropout.
- 用意された、すぐ手に入る
- 前向きの、積極的な、率直な、包み隠さない