- 英
- habenulointerpeduncular tract
- 関
- 反屈束
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- 1. 成人に現れる多発性硬化症の症状と徴候manifestations of multiple sclerosis in adults [show details]
…syndrome suggestive of MS such as optic neuritis, long tract symptoms/signs (eg, numbness, paresthesia, or weakness), a brainstem syndrome (eg, internuclear ophthalmoplegia), or a spinal cord syndrome (eg, transverse …
- 2. 新生児における尿路感染症urinary tract infections in neonates [show details]
… Urinary tract infection (UTI) in neonates (infants ≤30 days of age) is associated with bacteremia and congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT). Upper tract infections (ie, acute pyelonephritis) …
- 3. 脊髄髄膜瘤(二分脊椎)の尿路合併症urinary tract complications of myelomeningocele spina bifida [show details]
…periodically throughout life These studies monitor for changes in urinary tract function and anatomy, and guide treatment decisions. Urinary tract changes may occur for any of the following reasons: Bladder function …
- 4. 婦人科外科手術における尿路損傷:同定およびマネージメントurinary tract injury in gynecologic surgery identification and management [show details]
…evaluation and management of urinary tract injury in gynecologic surgery are reviewed here. Prevention of urinary tract injury and issues related to urinary tract injuries during advanced gynecologic surgery …
- 5. 婦人科手術時に生じる尿路損傷:疫学および予防urinary tract injury in gynecologic surgery epidemiology and prevention [show details]
…make visualization of urinary tract structures difficult, or make the urinary tract more vulnerable to injury . These include: Prior pelvic surgery; Endometriosis; Urinary tract abnormalities (eg, duplicated …
Japanese Journal
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- 内側手綱核腹側亜核にはアセチルコリンとグルタミン酸を脚間核中央部に共放出す る神経細胞が存在する。
- そのなかに内側および外側手綱核がある。内側核は小細胞性で、外側核は大小の細胞を含む。視床髄条の線維はこれらの核は手綱の線維を受け、主として脚間核に向かう反屈束または手綱脚間路をだす。これらはすべて嗅覚に関係する
Related Pictures

- 英
- retroflex fasciculus
- ラ
- fasciculus retroflexus
- 同
- マイネルト束 Meynert fasciculus、手綱核脚間核路 habenulointerpeduncular tract
- 関
- 手綱核、脚間核
- 英
- interpeduncular nucleus
- ラ
- nucleus interpeduncularis
- 関
- 脚間窩
- 英
- interpeduncular、intercrural
- 英
- ()
- 英
- habenular nucleus
- 英
- tract
- ラ
- tractus