- 英
- microadenoma
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- マイクロアデノーマ
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- ミクロ腺腫
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- 1. 高プロラクチン血症のマネージメントmanagement of hyperprolactinemia [show details]
…continue to grow and eventually cause neurologic symptoms. Microadenomas are less than 1 cm in diameter. Studies of the natural history of microadenomas show that 95 percent do not enlarge during four to six …
- 2. 下垂体腺腫およびその他の鞍部腫瘤に対する経蝶形骨洞手術transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas and other sellar masses [show details]
…one report, the success rate for 72 microadenomas was 94.5 percent and, for 11 macroadenomas, 64.0 percent . In another report, the success rate for 103 microadenomas was 72.8 percent and, for 21 macroadenomas …
- 3. TSH分泌下垂体腺腫tsh secreting pituitary adenomas [show details]
…and men (as high as 29.1 compared with 0.3 in men) . The ratio can be normal in patients with microadenomas . The thyroid appearance on ultrasound and radioiodine imaging is similar to that in Graves disease …
- 4. クッシング病の一次治療:経蝶形骨洞手術および下垂体照射primary therapy of cushings disease transsphenoidal surgery and pituitary irradiation [show details]
…tumors. These tumors are almost always benign and are usually microadenomas (ie, <10 mm in diameter). In 30 to 40 percent, the microadenoma is so small that it is not detectable by magnetic resonance imaging …
- 5. 先端巨大症の診断diagnosis of acromegaly [show details]
…approximately 10 to 20 percent of normal subjects have MRI or autopsy evidence of a pituitary microadenoma. Other rare causes of acromegaly include pituitary somatotroph carcinoma, a hypothalamic tumor…
Japanese Journal
- 右副腎腺腫合併のpreclinical Cushing's diseaseの一例
- 滝山由美,安孫子亜津子,藤田征弘,羽田勝計
- 日本内分泌学会雑誌 87(Suppl.), 28-31, 2011-06-00
- … 下垂体微小腺腫に対して手術の同意が得られず、経過観察となった。 …
- NAID 80021801061
- 原発性アルドステロン症診療の新たな流れ : 各科連携の成果
- 石戸谷 滋人,荒井 陽一,佐藤 文俊,伊藤 貞嘉,高瀬 圭,石橋 忠司,中村 保宏,笹野 公伸
- 内分泌外科 = Endocrine surgery 27(4), 235-240, 2010-12-30
- NAID 10029084716
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