- 英
- unacceptable
- not adequate to give satisfaction; "the coach told his players that defeat was unacceptable"
- not conforming to standard usage; "the following use of `access was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists; `You can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers" (同)unaccepted
- not acceptable; not welcome; "a word unacceptable in polite society"; "an unacceptable violation of personal freedom"
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- 1. Overview of HLA sensitization and crossmatch testing in kidney transplantationoverview of hla sensitization and crossmatch testing in kidney transplantation [show details]
…match algorithm used by UNOS calculates a candidate cPRA using the unacceptable antigens list for the patient. The term "unacceptable antigen" refers to a donor HLA antigen against which the patient has …
- 2. 医師による自殺幇助と安楽死:患者の願いの理解と評価、それへの対応physician assisted dying understanding evaluating and responding to requests for medical aid in dying [show details]
…involves palliative options other than PAD. A request for assistance in dying because of current, unacceptable, predominantly physical suffering should be treated as a medical emergency, ie, not to be deflected …
- 3. エストロゲン・プロゲスチン避妊薬の使用の概要overview of the use of combined estrogen progestin oral contraceptives [show details]
…presented separately. Based upon the CDC and , some common medical conditions that represent an unacceptable health risk for COC initiation include : Age ≥35 years and smoking ≥15 cigarettes per day; Multiple…
- 4. 腎臓移植における臓器共有(organ sharing)organ sharing in kidney transplantation [show details]
…sensitization. The degree of sensitization is defined by the candidate unacceptable antigens, reported at the time of listing. Unacceptable antigens are HLA antigens on a donor kidney to which a potential candidate …
- 5. 臨床現場での肺活量測定office spirometry [show details]
…maneuvers are performed, although additional tests may be needed if one or more of the curves are unacceptable. The most important task of the nurse or technician is to obtain maximal, reproducible efforts …
Japanese Journal
- 「LGBT」「同性婚」への基本的視座 なぜ「同性婚」は容認できないのか
- リアル共同幻想論(第70回)日本国憲法、微調整は否定しない。でも、今のやり方は容認できない。
- 届かない声に社会はどう向き合うのか : 児童虐待の現実、そしてその課題 (特集 続・容認できない子ども時代の不平等、不公平の実態解消のために : 子どもの権利条約締結以降、日本の子どもの権利はむしろ悪化をたどっている)
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- 容認できないなどとは、笑止。盗んだものを非難されるのが嫌なら、悪あがきをするのを止め、国際司法裁判所へでて、白黒はっきりしてもらえばいいのに。それもできないのに一著前に容認できないとは、なんだろうね。
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- 英
- permission、permit
- 関
- 許す、許容、可能にする、認可、許可