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- 1. 小児の重度外傷性脳損傷:評価およびマネージメントsevere traumatic brain injury in children initial evaluation and management [show details]
…axonal injury (DAI) is a severe form of DBI. DAI develops as the result of tissue shearing at the interface of grey and white matter ; focal injuries may also be present in patients with DAI. Although …
- 2. 発作性交感神経過活動paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity [show details]
… rehabilitation . In one critical care series, the peak prevalence of PSH signs and symptoms occurred between days 9 and 13 . A later timing of presentation may reflect a delay in clinical manifestations perhaps due …
- 3. 鈍的脳血管損傷:機序、検査、および診断的評価blunt cerebrovascular injury mechanisms screening and diagnostic evaluation [show details]
…manifested symptoms more than 18 hours following injury, with two patients becoming symptomatic at seven days . In a multicenter review, among patients with blunt cerebrovascular injury-related stroke, 63 percent …
- 4. 小児における昏睡の治療および予後treatment and prognosis of coma in children [show details]
…injury and can be useful prognostic indicators, particularly as deficits persist past the initial few days. However, the use of sedative medications and the presence of secondary complications can also confound …
- 5. 小児における傾眠および昏睡の評価evaluation of stupor and coma in children [show details]
…greater structural detail and is more sensitive for early evidence of encephalitis, infarction, diffuse axonal injury from head injury, petechial hemorrhages, cerebral venous thrombosis, and demyelination . When…
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