- 英
- coronal section
- 関
- 冠状切断
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- 1. 胸部MRImagnetic resonance imaging of the thorax [show details]
…of MRI includes its multiplanar capability which enhances: Mediastinal tumor staging. Coronal and sagittal sections reliably detect subcarinal and aorticopulmonary lymph node masses. Assessment of local …
- 2. 心室中隔欠損の心エコー評価echocardiographic evaluation of ventricular septal defects [show details]
…ventricular inflow to the left ventricular outflow tract in long axis and subcostal coronal images, sweeping through serial sections of the ventricle from apex to base in parasternal and parasagittal short axis …
- 3. 神経管欠損および脳室拡大を除く中枢神経系異常の出生前診断prenatal diagnosis of cns anomalies other than neural tube defects and ventriculomegaly [show details]
…be identified. Additional indirect sonographic features can be seen on axial and coronal sections. In the axial section, the frontal horns appear narrow and laterally displaced, and the atria and occipital …
- 4. 神経管欠損症の超音波診断ultrasound diagnosis of neural tube defects [show details]
…back, or obvious disruption of the fetal skin contours. Transverse sections reveal open vertebrae with a U-shape. The coronal section of the affected bony segment shows a divergent configuration replacing …
- 5. 消失性白質疾患(Vanishing white matter disease)vanishing white matter disease [show details]
…sagittal and coronal T1-weighted or FLAIR images; dots and stripes are seen within the abnormal white matter on axial images, representing cross-sections of the stripes seen on sagittal and coronal images …
Japanese Journal
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- 英
- coronal section
- 関
- 冠状切片