- 英
- reconsideration、reconsider、revisit
- 関
- 再訪問
- consider again; give new consideration to; usually with a view to changing; "Wont you reconsider your decision?"
- consider again (a bill) that had been voted upon before, with a view to altering it
- visit again; "We revisited Rome after 25 years"
- thinking again about a choice previously made; "he had second thoughts about his purchase" (同)second_thought, afterthought, rethink
- a consideration of a topic (as in a meeting) with a view to changing an earlier decision
- …‘を'再考する,考え直す
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Japanese Journal
- 作品研究 土田麦僊《島の女》再考(その1)部分と全体
- オークションとマーケットデザイン(第12回)標準的なオークションの収入比較再考
- 高齢者の心に響く交通安全教育(147)新・高齢者交通安全教育問題再考(18)老年期を見直し科学しよう(3)認知症と交通安全(1)
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- 関
- reconsider、revisit
- 英
- revisiting、revisit
- 関
- 再考