- 英
- solid
- 関
- 固形、固形物、固体
- uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks; "a solid line across the page"; "solid sheets of water"
- the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape (同)solidness, solid_state
- a three-dimensional shape
- matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure
- of the same color throughout; "solid color" (同)self-colored, self-coloured
- of good quality and condition; solidly built; "a solid foundation"; "several substantial timber buildings" (同)strong, substantial
- acting together as a single undiversified whole; "a solid voting bloc" (同)unanimous, whole
- characterized by good substantial quality; "solid comfort"; "a solid base hit"
- entirely of one substance with no holes inside; "a solid block of wood"
- financially sound; "the bank is solid and will survive this attack"
- having three dimensions; "a solid object"
- impenetrable for the eye; "solid blackness"
- of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial; "work of solid scholarship"; "based on solid facts"
- of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous; "ice is water in the solid state"
- of one substance or character throughout; "solid gold"; "carved out of solid rock"
- 『固体の』,『固形の』 / 『うつろでない』,中身のつまった / (物質の)密度が高い,密な;(印刷の)行の詰まった / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『混じりもののない』,純正の / (構造的に)『堅固な』 / (人が)『信頼できる』,堅実な / 健全な,しっかりした / 一致した,団結した / (時間が)まるまる,切れ目のない;(物が)連続した / 三次元の,立体の,立方の / 『固体』,固形物 / 立方体
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- 中実を英語に訳すと solid - 約504万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも 分かる英語辞書。
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- 英
- solid state、solid
- 関
- 固形、固形物、中実
- 英
- solid
- 関
- 固形物、固体、中実
- 英
- solid
- 関
- 固形、固体、中実