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- 1. マラリア:疫学、予防、コントロールmalaria epidemiology prevention and control [show details]
…reproductive cycle Anopheles eggs have "floats" (sacs on the side of the egg). Anopheles and Aedes mosquitoes lay eggs individually; Culex mosquito lay eggs in groups ("egg rafts"). Anopheles mosquitoes lay …
- 2. 旅行者におけるマラリア感染の予防prevention of malaria infection in travelers [show details]
…from Anopheles mosquitoes; such measures also help reduce bites from sandflies, ticks, and other mosquito species. These include : Avoiding outdoor exposure between dusk and dawn (when Anopheles mosquitoes …
- 3. 昆虫咬傷insect bites [show details]
…occurring insect bites are inflicted by mosquitoes, of the family Culicidae (order Diptera). The genera Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes are usually responsible for human bites. Mosquitoes are often found around standing…
- 4. マラリアに感染した妊娠していない女性や女児の臨床症状clinical manifestations of malaria in nonpregnant adults and children [show details]
…treatment of malaria are discussed in detail separately. Following the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito, the inoculated sporozoites go to the liver within one to two hours. Individuals are generally…
- 5. マラリアの発症機序pathogenesis of malaria [show details]
…female anopheline mosquito. These sexual forms complete their life cycle within the midgut of the Anopheles mosquito (including an ookinete and oocyst stage) with development into sporozoites, which migrate…
Japanese Journal
- 屋外吸血性蚊アノフェレス ファラウティ駆除のための自家製蚊取線香
- 池庄司 敏明,岸本 高男,Bakotee Barnard
- 衛生動物 47(4), 323-329, 1996
- … ソロモン諸島国における主要マラリア媒介蚊アノフェレス ファラウティは, 多年にわたるDDT残留噴霧から, 屋外生息吸血性と早晩吸血性を獲得したといわれる。 …
- NAID 110003818715
- A-15 北タイの山脚部における数種アノフェレスの記号放逐による分散実験結果(蚊の個体群)
- 22 北部タイ山脚部のアノフェレス相とそれらの吸血習性について
- 高木 正洋,Suwonkerd Wannapa,Chitprarop Udom,Kamboonruang Chirasak,津田 良夫,和田 義人
- 衞生動物 42(2), 212, 1991-06-15
- NAID 110003817805
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- アノフェレス【(ラテン)Anopheles】とは。意味や解説、類語。ハマダラカの学名。 - goo国語辞書は29万語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に行っています。
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- Anopheles
- 同
- アノフェレス anopheline
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- Anopheles属