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- 1. 原発性頭痛hypnic headache [show details]
… Also known as "alarm clock" headache, hypnic headache is characterized by recurrent episodes of dull or throbbing head pain that develop only during sleep and awaken the sufferer from sleep . It is one …
- 2. 性行為に伴う一次性頭痛primary headache associated with sexual activity [show details]
…pre-orgasmic and orgasmic, that were thought to have distinct clinical features: Pre-orgasmic headache is a dull, usually bioccipital pressure-like or aching pain that appears during sexual activity and increases …
- 3. 毛幹の異常hair shaft disorders [show details]
…lusterless, hypopigmented, and feels rough In infants with congenital pili torti, hair is often a dull blonde or dull light brown color that grows poorly. Examination with light microscopy or dermoscopy shows …
- 4. 足部の解剖とバイオマーカー、および成人に生じる足の痛みの評価の概要overview of foot anatomy and biomechanics and assessment of foot pain in adults [show details]
…pain (eg, dull, sharp, burning)?; Acute injuries to joints or tendons often cause a sharp pain. Dull pain occurs in more chronic conditions. As an example, hallux rigidus causes a chronic dull ache in the …
- 5. 大腿骨頭すべり症(SCFE)の評価およびマネージメントevaluation and management of slipped capital femoral epiphysis scfe [show details]
…altered gait . The classic presentation is that of an obese adolescent with a complaint of nonradiating, dull, aching pain in the hip, groin, thigh, or knee, and no history of preceding trauma. The pain is increased …
Japanese Journal
- 鈴木 綾子,金山 睦子,柴沼 清,竹田 靖史,安部 淳一,檜作 進
- 応用糖質科学 41(1), 41-47, 1994
- … 5)フォトペーストグラムによるわらび澱粉の糊化開始温度は,59.5℃ で,温度60℃ から65℃ の間で急激に糊化が進行し,糊化度による評価では,ばれいしょ澱粉に類似した挙動を示したが,RVAによる最高粘度はぼれいしょ澱粉よりはるかに低かった. …
- NAID 130004091045
- 柴胡加竜骨ぼれい湯による咽喉頭異常感症への治療成績
- 池田 勝久,石垣 元章,粟田 口敏一,草刈 潤,高坂 知節
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 80(3), 507-510, 1987
- Thirty patients with abnormal sensation in the throat were given Tsumura-Saikokaryukotsuboreito(No.12)and its clinical usefulness was evaluated. The drug -was remarkably effective in 28% of the patien …
- NAID 130001810536
- 高速液体クロマトグラフィーによるばれいしょ中のソラニンの測定
- 梶原 直子,二宮 隆博,川井 英雄,細貝 祐太郎
- 食品衛生学雑誌 25(3), 256-260_1, 1984
- … 高速液体クロマトグラフィーを用いぼれいしょ中のソラニンの分析法を検討した. …
- NAID 130003692480
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