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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/23 12:59:09」(JST)
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Gomphosis |
The permanent teeth, viewed from the right. |
Latin |
syndesmosis dentoalveolaris |
Gray's |
subject #70 284 |
Code |
TA A03.1.03.001 |
Gomphosis is a joint that binds the teeth to bony sockets (dental alveoli) in the maxillary bone and mandible. The fibrous connection between a tooth and its socket is a periodontal ligament. Specifically, the connection is made between the maxilla or mandible to the cementum of the tooth.
The motion of a gomphosis is minimal, though considerable movement can be achieved over time—the basis of using braces to realign teeth. The joint can be considered a synarthrosis[1]
The gomphosis is the only joint-type in which a bone does not join another bone, as teeth are not technically bone. In modern, more anatomical, joint classification, the gomphosis is simply considered a fibrous joint because the tissue linking the structures is ligamentous.
A gomphosis is a specialized fibrous joint in which a conical process or peg of one bone fits into a hole or socket in another bone. (gomphos is a Greek word meaning bolt). Small quantity of fibrous tissue holds the bones together. No movement is possible at such peg-and-socket joints.
- ^ "Articulations". Retrieved 2008-01-29.
Joints (TA A03.0, TH H3.02, GA 3.284)
Types |
- fibrous: Gomphosis
- Suture
- Syndesmosis
- Interosseous membrane
- cartilaginous: Synchondrosis
- Symphysis
- synovial: Plane joint
- 1°
- 2°
- Condyloid joint
- Saddle joint
- 3°
- by range of motion: Synarthrosis
- Amphiarthrosis
- Diarthrosis
Terminology |
- Kinesiology
- Anatomical terms of motion
- Agonist/Antagonist
Motions |
- general: Flexion/Extension
- Adduction/Abduction
- Internal rotation/External rotation
- Elevation/Depression
- specialized/upper limbs: Protraction/Retraction
- Supination/Pronation
- specialized/lower limbs: Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion
- Eversion/Inversion
Components |
- capsular: Articular capsule
- Synovial membrane
- Fibrous membrane
- Synovial fluid
- Synovial bursa
- Articular disk/Meniscus
- extracapsular: Ligament
- Enthesis
noco (arth/defr/back/soft)/cong, sysi/epon, injr
Bones of head and neck, joints: cranial fibrous joints (A03.1.01–03, GA 2.178–199)
Cranial syndesmoses |
- Pterygospinous ligament
- Stylohyoid ligament
Cranial sutures |
- Cranial: frontoethmoidal
- frontal or metopic (frontal/frontal)
- coronal (frontal/parietal)
- occipitomastoid (occipital/temporal)
- lambdoid (parietal/temporal)
- sagittal (parietal/parietal)
- sphenoethmoidal
- sphenofrontal
- sphenoparietal
- sphenosquamosal (sphenoid/temporal)
- sphenopetrosal (sphenoid/temporal)
- squamosal (temporal/parietal)
- petrosquamous (temporal/temporal)
- Facial: palatomaxillary suture
- Sutura embryonica
- Sutura embryonica accessoria
- Cranial–facial: sphenozygomatic
- zygomaticotemporal
- zygomaticofrontal
Dento-alveolar syndesmosis |
- Gomphosis: Periodontal fiber
- Periodontium
- Dental alveolus
- Gingiva
- Cementum
Synostoses |
- Synostosis vomerina
- Synostosis mandibularis
- Synostosis frontalis
- Synostosis petrosquamosa
- Synostosis incisiva
noco (arth/defr/back/soft)/cong, sysi/epon, injr
English Journal
- Mineralized periodontia in extinct relatives of mammals shed light on the evolutionary history of mineral homeostasis in periodontal tissue maintenance.
- LeBlanc AR1, Reisz RR1,2, Brink KS3, Abdala F4.
- Journal of clinical periodontology.J Clin Periodontol.2016 Jan 6. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12508. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIM: Dental ankylosis is a rare pathological condition in mammals, however, it is prevalent in their extinct relatives, the stem mammals. This study seeks to compare the mineralized state of the periodontal attachment apparatus between stem and crown mammals and discuss its implications for the evol
- PMID 26743267
- [Study on the effect of bone-cement interface with bone cement oscillator].
- Wang Y1, Yan F, Song DC, Qu YL, Yang GF, Shi ZW, Gu WG, Song YB, Li DB, Wang CL.
- Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery].Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi.2008 Mar 15;46(6):431-3.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect on increasing bone cement-bone interface micro-gomphosis intensity with bone cement oscillator.METHODS: One hundred femoral bones of adult pig were randomly divided into 6 groups: oscillating group (A1) and control group (A2) of anti-tensile force, oscillating group
- PMID 18785577
- The tooth attachment mechanism defined by structure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of collagen fibers in the periodontium.
- Ho SP1, Marshall SJ, Ryder MI, Marshall GW.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2007 Dec;28(35):5238-45. Epub 2007 Sep 17.
- In this study, a comparison between structure, chemical composition and mechanical properties of collagen fibers at three regions within a human periodontium, has enabled us to define a novel tooth attachment mechanism. The three regions include, (1) the enthesis region: insertion site of periodonta
- PMID 17870156
Japanese Journal
- Development of a gomphosis by tooth germ implants in the parietal bone of the mouse
Related Links
- gomphosisとは。意味や和訳。[名詞] (pl. -ses[-siːz])1 〔解剖〕 楔くさび状縫合:骨が他の骨に堅く入り込んでいる状態.2 〔解剖〕 釘くぎ状関節:歯が顎骨がっこつの穴に堅くはまっている状態. - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが ...
- gomphosis [gom-fo´sis] a type of fibrous joint in which a conical process is inserted into a socket-like portion. The only joint in the human body that is a gomphosis joint is that between a tooth and the mandible or maxilla. gom·pho·sis
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