- light yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas
- 〈C〉ガス灯 / 〈U〉ガス灯の光
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/07 16:06:51」(JST)
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Gaslight may refer to:
- Gas lighting, the use of flammable gas such as natural gas as a light source
- Gaslighting, a form of psychological abuse
- Gas Light (1938) a Patrick Hamilton stage play
- Gaslight (1940 film), starring Diana Wynyard, Anton Walbrook, Frank Pettingell, based on the play
- Gaslight (1944 film), directed by George Cukor, starring Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer and Angela Lansbury, based on the play
- Gaslight Tavern, a club in Lawrence, Kansas
- The Gaslight Cafe, a club in Greenwich Village in New York
- "Gaslight" (Ugly Ducklings song), a 1967 song by The Ugly Ducklings
- "Gaslight" (Dead Kennedys song), a 1979 song by the Dead Kennedys
- Gaslight (band), a Canadian touring rock group of the 1970s
- Gaslight (automobile), a defunct American automobile company (1960-circa 1961)
English Journal
- 'Imposed psychosis'. A case variant of the gaslight phenomenon.
- Cawthra R, O'Brien G, Hassanyeh F.SourceDepartment of Psychiatry, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne.
- The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science.Br J Psychiatry.1987 Apr;150:553-6.
- PMID 3664141
- Baker M.
- Nursing times.Nurs Times.1984 Aug 29-Sep 4;80(35):40-3.
- PMID 6384937
Japanese Journal
- ヘッドスペースガスクロマトグラフィー-表面イオン化検出器による大気中の微量トリメチルアミンの定量
- 山本 政宏,栗原 直子,内山 一美,保母 敏行
- 分析化学 56(7), 573-577, 2007-07-05
- トリメチルアミンは魚臭及びアンモニア臭に近い臭気を有し,臭気しきい値濃度は0.032 ppbv と極めて低濃度で臭気を感ずるため,極低濃度測定が必要とされる.大気中のトリメチルアミン分析法ではガスクロマトグラフィー/水素炎イオン化検出器(GC/FID)など選択性の悪い検出器を使用するため,共存する他の有機ガスとの分離定量が困難であった.そこで,選択的高感度な方法として,表面イオン化検出器(SID) …
- NAID 110006343663
- 欧米におけるゴースト研究(<特集>幽霊・ポルターガイスト, 第38回日本超心理学会大会)
Related Links
- Gaslight is a 1944 mystery-thriller film adapted from Patrick Hamilton's play, Gas Light, performed as Angel Street on Broadway in 1941. It was the second version to be filmed; the first, released in Great Britain, had been made a mere ...