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English Journal
- Ulnar neuropathy with prominent proximal Martin-Gruber anastomosis.
- Burakgazi AZ1, Russo M, Bayat E, Richardson PK.
- The International journal of neuroscience.Int J Neurosci.2014 Jul;124(7):542-6. doi: 10.3109/00207454.2013.858336. Epub 2013 Nov 19.
- Martin-Gruber anastomosis (MGA) is the most common nerve anastomosis in the upper extremities and it crosses from the median nerve to the ulnar nerve. Proximal MGA is an under recognized anastomosis between the ulnar and median nerves at or above the elbow and should not be missed during nerve condu
- PMID 24147570
- Correlation between distribution of muscle weakness, electrophysiological findings and CTG expansion in myotonic dystrophy.
- Khoshbakht R1, Soltanzadeh A1, Zamani B1, Abdi S1, Gharagozli K2, Kahrizi K3, Khoshbakht R4, Nafissi S5.
- Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia.J Clin Neurosci.2014 Jul;21(7):1123-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2013.09.016. Epub 2013 Nov 18.
- Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM-1) is a multi-system disorder affecting the muscles, brain, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, eyes and skin. Diagnosis is made by clinical, electrodiagnostic and genetic studies. This study aimed to determine the correlation between CTG expansion and distribution
- PMID 24417793
Japanese Journal
- Neural and muscular dysfunction in fibromyalgia
- A. Gadallah Naglaa,R. Awad Mohamed,R. von Wild Klaus,E. El-Hefnawy Hanan,H. El-Arousy Nadia,G. El-Hefnawy Nadia,A. Abdou Tarek,A. El Shafie Ehab,K. El Zohiery Abeer
- Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science 4(0), 30-38, 2013
- … 4: 30-38.Objectives: Our aim was to assess peripheral neural and muscular dysfunction in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) by interrelating different electrophysiologic and histopathologic studies, in a trial to further elucidate the pathophysiology of fatigue in FMS.Methods: Thirty FMS patients and ten controls were enrolled in the study. …
- NAID 130004565152
- True neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) の臨床的・電気生理学的特徴
- 園生 雅弘,安藤 哲朗,内堀 歩,川上 治,所澤 安展,畑中 裕己,谷口 真,東原 真奈,大石 知瑞子,河村 保臣,久野木 順一,千葉 厚郎,清水 輝夫
- 臨床神経生理学 : Japanese journal of clinical neurophysiology 40(3), 131-139, 2012-06-01
- 胸郭出口症候群 (TOS) の概念については欧米で議論があり, true neurogenic TOS (TNTOS) とdisputed neurogenic TOS (DNTOS) との区別が論じられている。しかし本邦ではこの点についての十分な言及やTNTOSの症例報告は少ない。本論文では過去12年間に経験したTNTOS 4例の臨床像・電気生理学的所見を提示する。主訴は全例母指球筋の萎縮と巧緻 …
- NAID 10031159669
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- Nerve conduction studies (NCSs) are an important part of the complete electrodiagnostic exam. [8] In an NCS, an electrical charge is delivered to a peripheral nerve. That charge is carried down the nerve and generates a ...
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- electrodiagnosis