- a sharp steel wedge that precedes the plow and cuts vertically through the soil (同)coulter
- a young male horse under the age of four
- =coulter
- (雄の)『子馬』若ごま(普通4‐5歳まで) / 《話》青二才
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/09 15:11:26」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Colter is the name of a place, a family name, a company name and the title of a book.
- 1 Place
- 2 People
- 3 Companies
- 4 Notes
- 5 See also
Place [edit]
- a volcanic area, named after John Colter: Colter's Hell
- Colter, Arizona, an abandoned town in Apache also established by John Colter.[1]
People [edit]
- Jessi Colter (born 1943), American country music singer
- John Colter (1774-1813), American Trapper
- Mary Colter (1869-1958), American architect
- Mike Colter (born 1976), American actor
- Colter Bean (born 1977), American baseball pitcher
- Zeb Colter (born 1949), a ring name of American professional wrestler Wayne Keown
Companies [edit]
- in Erkrath, Germany, Colter GmbH
- in Dunmow, Essex, England, Colter Group
Notes [edit]
- ^ Byrd H. Granger (1960). Arizona Place Names. University of Arizona Press. p. 8. Retrieved 20 November 2011.
See also [edit]
English Journal
- Power-free chip enzyme immunoassay for detection of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in serum.
- Adel Ahmed H, Azzazy HM.SourceYousef Jameel Science and Technology Research Center (YJ-STRC), The American University in Cairo, AUC Ave., PO Box 74, New Cairo 11835, Egypt. Electronic address: heba_adel@aucegypt.edu.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2013 Nov 15;49:478-84. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2013.05.058. Epub 2013 Jun 11.
- A power-free, portable "Chip EIA" was designed to render the popular Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) more suitable for point-of-care testing. A number of microfluidic platforms have enabled miniaturization of the conventional microtitre plate ELISA, however, they require external pumping s
- PMID 23811482
- Genetic Differential Sensitivity to Social Environments: Implications for Research.
- Mitchell C, McLanahan S, Brooks-Gunn J, Garfinkel I, Hobcraft J, Notterman D.SourceColter Mitchell is with the Survey Research Center and Population Studies Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Sara McLanahan is with the Department of Sociology and Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Jeanne Brooks-Gunn is with the Teachers College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY. Irwin Garfinkel is with the School of Social Work, Columbia University. John Hobcraft is with the Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, York, UK. Daniel Notterman is with the Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University and Penn State College of Medicine, Pennsylvania State University, Hershey.
- American journal of public health.Am J Public Health.2013 Aug 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- Researchers have proposed a genetic differential sensitivity to social environmental (GDSE) model positing that individuals with certain genetic makeups are more sensitive to favorable and unfavorable environmental influences than those without these genetic makeups. We discuss several issues facing
- PMID 23927507
- [Measurement of Tissue-shift for Head Neck Rotation].
- Colter L, Kahrs LA, Hirschfeld J, Schipper J.SourceHals-Nasen-Ohrenklinik, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf.
- Laryngo- rhino- otologie.Laryngorhinootologie.2013 Aug;92(8):523-30. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1334948. Epub 2013 May 24.
- During neck surgery the head of the patient is located in such a position that the neck-tissue is deformed compared to the normal head-position. The consideration of this tissue deformation of the neck during head rotation is the first step to using preoperative image data for medical navigation.The
- PMID 23709160
Japanese Journal
- 冬作草種とその刈高および残根がトリプルディスク方式により不耕起播種されたトウモロコシ(Zea mays L.)の播種精度と初期生育へ与える影響
- 森田 聡一郎,中尾 誠司,菅野 勉,黒川 俊二,佐藤 節郎,吉村 義則
- 日本草地学会誌 57(3), 136-141, 2011-10-15
- 冬作ライムギおよびイタリアンライグラスの収穫直後にトリプルディスク方式の不耕起播種機によりトウモロコシを不耕起播種し,冬作の刈高,残稈や残根などの収穫残渣量および土壌硬度と播種精度,苗立率の関係について調査を行った。その結果,イタリアンライグラス収穫跡では,播種溝からトウモロコシ種子が逸出するなど播種精度が大きく低下した。これはライムギより多量に存在するイタリアンライグラスの残根が,土壌のせん断抵 …
- NAID 110008897960
- ダイズ不耕起播種栽培における出芽期の冠水害回避技術の開発(栽培)
- 濱田 千裕,釋 一郎,澤田 恭彦,小島 元
- 日本作物學會紀事 76(2), 219-225, 2007-04-05
- ダイズの不耕起播種栽培においては,圃場面に前作に起因する凹凸が残るため,播種後の降雨により冠水状態が発生しやすい.播種直後から出芽までの冠水はダイズの発芽や初期生育を著しく阻害するため,播種後5日間程度の冠水回避は栽培を成立させる前提条件である.そこで,愛知県農業総合試験場式ダイズ不耕起播種機の播種様式を利用して,圃場内明きょ,弾丸暗きょ,播種溝底に設けたスリットを連結した簡易排水システムを考案し …
- NAID 110006285567
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- Colter definition, a sharp blade or wheel attached to the beam of a plow, used to cut the ground in advance of the plowshare. See more. Thesaurus Translate Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary Log Out ...
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