- close sociological study of a maladjusted person or family for diagnosis and treatment
- ケースワーカー,生活環境調査員
- ケースワーク(社会福祉上,身障者・困窮者の調査・保護)
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Caseworker may refer to:
- Caseworker (social work)
- Caseworker (politics)
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English Journal
- Unmet healthcare need among women who use methamphetamine in san francisco.
- Powelson E, Lorvick J, Lutnick A, Wenger L, Klausner J, Kral AH.Author information 1UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, Berkeley, California, USA.AbstractMethamphetamine use has increased substantially in the United States since the 1990s. Few studies have examined the healthcare service needs of women who use methamphetamine. This study describes unmet medical needs in a community-based sample of women who use methamphetamine in San Francisco, CA. Women who use methamphetamine were recruited in San Francisco and participated in a computer-assisted survey (N = 298 HIV-negative women). Multivariate analysis was performed to explore associations among sociodemographic variables, drug use, use of health and social services, and unmet healthcare need across three domains: chronic health problems, dermatologic problems, and women's preventive healthcare. Sixty-nine percent of participants reported a need for care for a chronic health condition, and 31% of them had an unmet need for care, in the last six months. Thirty-five percent of participants reported a need for dermatologic healthcare, and 66% had an unmet need for care in the last 6 months. Ninety-two percent of participants reported a need for women's preventive healthcare and 46% had an unmet need for care in the last year. Women who reported having a healthcare provider had lower odds of reporting an unmet need for a chronic health condition or women's preventive healthcare. Women who used a case manager had lower odds of having an unmet need for dermatologic care. A significant proportion of women who use methamphetamine in this sample had an unmet need for women's preventive healthcare, and overall these women had a significant unmet need for healthcare. These findings suggest that contact with a healthcare provider or a caseworker could help to expand access to healthcare for this vulnerable population.
- Substance use & misuse.Subst Use Misuse.2014 Feb;49(3):243-52. doi: 10.3109/10826084.2013.825919. Epub 2013 Aug 23.
- Methamphetamine use has increased substantially in the United States since the 1990s. Few studies have examined the healthcare service needs of women who use methamphetamine. This study describes unmet medical needs in a community-based sample of women who use methamphetamine in San Francisco, CA. W
- PMID 23971895
- Young Adult Follow-up of Adolescent Girls in Juvenile Justice Using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale.
- Kerr DC, Gibson B, Leve LD, Degarmo DS.Author information Oregon Social Learning Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA.AbstractThis study focused on the reliability and validity of the Columbia Suicide Severity Scale (C-SSRS). Severely delinquent adolescent girls (n = 166) participated in a treatment trial and repeated assessments over time. Lifetime suicide attempt history was measured using the C-SSRS in early adulthood (n = 144; 7-12 years postbaseline). Nonclinician raters showed strong interrater reliability using the C-SSRS. Self-reports, caseworker reports, and caregiver reports of girls' suicide attempt histories collected at baseline correlated with adult participants' recollections of their baseline attempt histories. Suicidal ideation measured prospectively across a 7- to -12-year period was associated with retrospectively reported suicide attempt across the same period.
- Suicide & life-threatening behavior.Suicide Life Threat Behav.2014 Jan 22. doi: 10.1111/sltb.12072. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study focused on the reliability and validity of the Columbia Suicide Severity Scale (C-SSRS). Severely delinquent adolescent girls (n = 166) participated in a treatment trial and repeated assessments over time. Lifetime suicide attempt history was measured using the C-SSRS in early adulthood
- PMID 24446880
- Reducing turnover is not enough: The need for proficient organizational cultures to support positive youth outcomes in child welfare.
- Williams NJ, Glisson C.Author information Children's Mental Health Services Research Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA; 128 Henson Hall, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 37996, USA; nwilli39@utk.edu ;AbstractOBJECTIVE: High caseworker turnover has been identified as a factor in the poor outcomes of child welfare services. However, almost no empirical research has examined the relationship between caseworker turnover and youth outcomes in child welfare systems and there is an important knowledge gap regarding whether, and how, caseworker turnover relates to outcomes for youth. We hypothesized that the effects of caseworker turnover are moderated by organizational culture such that reduced caseworker turnover is only associated with improved youth outcomes in organizations with proficient cultures.
- Children and youth services review.Child Youth Serv Rev.2013 Nov 1;35(11). doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2013.09.002.
- OBJECTIVE: High caseworker turnover has been identified as a factor in the poor outcomes of child welfare services. However, almost no empirical research has examined the relationship between caseworker turnover and youth outcomes in child welfare systems and there is an important knowledge gap rega
- PMID 24273363
Japanese Journal
- 組織人としてのケースワーカー : ストリートレベルの官僚制の再検討
- 水本 一生,崎枝 薫,辻野 佳雄,森田 栄伸,丸山 理留敬
- Skin cancer : official organ of the Japanese Society for Skin Cancer = 皮膚悪性腫瘍研究会機関誌 24(2), 278-282, 2009-10-10
- 80歳代,女性。デイサービス職員により左乳頭部のびらんを指摘された。近医での皮膚生検にて乳房Paget病と診断され,当科紹介受診となった。初診時現症で左乳頭は牽引されて陥没しており,血性分泌と痂皮の付着が認められた。触診で左乳房上外側領域に2cm×2cmの境界不明瞭な弾性硬の腫瘤を触知した。マンモグラフィー,MRIより乳房Pagetoid癌と臨床診断され,当院内分泌外科で乳房切断術およびセンチネル …
- NAID 10030441340
- 自立訓練を利用する高次脳機能障害が疑われた男性の就労への取り組み
- 柳沢 君夫
- 社会福祉学 49(2), 163-175, 2008-08-31
- 脳血管障害による高次脳機能障害の疑いをもつBさん(男性:45歳)は,X区A施設で自立訓練を受けていた.就労を希望する利用者Bさんに対して,本人の意思を尊重しながら,就労に向けた個別支援計画の作成とそれに沿った支援を家族,ケースワーカーと連携しながら,2006年8月〜2007年1月まで実施し,民間のC印刷所(適所授産施設)に適所がなされた.その後の1年間のフォローを実施し,IT関連企業就労に至った. …
- NAID 110008093674
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- ケースワーカー【caseworker】とは。意味や解説、類語。ケースワーク活動に従事する社会福祉の専門家。CW。 - goo国語辞書は27万語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に行っています。
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