- reduced to nothingness (同)obliterate, obliterated
- reveal (something) about somebodys identity or lifestyle; "The gay actor was outed last week"; "Someone outed a CIA agent"
- (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball; "you only get 3 outs per inning"
- be made known; be disclosed or revealed; "The truth will out" (同)come_out
- away from home; "they went out last night"
- directed outward or serving to direct something outward; "the out doorway"; "the out basket"
- moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden; "the cat came out from under the bed";
- no longer fashionable; "that style is out these days"
- not allowed to continue to bat or run; "he was tagged out at second on a close play"; "he fanned out"
- not worth considering as a possibility; "a picnic is out because of the weather"
- out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election; "now the Democrats are out"
- outer or outlying; "the out islands"
- outside or external; "the out surface of a ships hull"
- (ある位置・状態から)『外へ』(『で』),外出して;戸外に;外国に / (隠れた所から表面に)『現れ出て』;世に出て;発表されて;(花・葉などが)出て来て,咲いて / 『無くなって』,消えて;終わって;流行遅れの,すたれた / 『最後まで』,すっかり / 大声で,はっきりと,隠さずに / (政権・現職から)離れて,去って / 仕事を休んで;ストライキをやって / (調子が)狂って,乱れて,(関節などが)はずれて;まちがって;損をして / (野球・クリケットで)アウトになって(ボクシングで)ノックアウトになって / 支配権を失った,政権から離れた / (野球・クリケットで打者・走者が)アウトになった / (衣服などが)並はずれて大きい,特大の / 遠く離れた / 《米》…から[外に(を)] / 《米》…に沿って外へ,のはずれに / (野球・クリケットで)アウト;《the outs》守備測 / 《複数形で》失業者 / 《米話》言い訳,口実 / ばれる,露見する / 出て行け
- 遠足,遊山(ゆさん),遠出
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English Journal
- Intraperitoneal injection of saline modulates hippocampal brain receptor complex levels but does not impair performance in the Morris Water Maze.
- Sase A, Khan D, Höger H, Lubec G.SourceDepartment of Pediatrics, Medical University of Vienna, Währinger Gürtel 18, 1090, Vienna, Austria.
- Amino acids.Amino Acids.2012 Aug;43(2):783-92. Epub 2011 Nov 2.
- The involvement of the hippocampus in pain has been demonstrated but key players, i.e. the major brain receptors have not been shown to be modulated by pain. It was therefore the aim of the study to show the concerted action and pattern of brain receptor complex levels in a non-invasive model of mod
- PMID 22045385
- Allergomic study of cypress pollen via combinatorial peptide ligand libraries.
- Shahali Y, Sutra JP, Fasoli E, D'Amato A, Righetti PG, Futamura N, Boschetti E, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.SourceLaboratoire "Sciences Analytiques, Bioanalytiques et Miniaturisation", ESPCI ParisTech, UMR 7195 CNRS, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France.
- Journal of proteomics.J Proteomics.2012 Jul 16. [Epub ahead of print]
- Although Cupressus sempervirens (Cups) pollen represents one of the main aeroallergens in southern Europe, only two Cups allergens have yet been identified and reported: Cup s 1 and Cup s 3. The aim of this study was to identify allergens in cypress pollen using an immuno-proteomic approach. A seque
- PMID 22813879
Japanese Journal
- :精製,血中濃度測定ならびにSalmincola stellatusに対する特異IgMの産生
- 英国文化論考:『チャタリー夫人の恋人』に描かれたロレンスの故郷での場合
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- blotted out ツイート WordNet 目次 形 無になる blotted out 形 無になる blotted out 形容詞 無になる reduced to nothingness. 無になる。 言い換え obliterated obliterate 日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2010 License ...
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