- Swiss cheese with small holes
- グリュイエールチーズ(小穴のあいたスイスのチーズ)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/26 07:45:04」(JST)
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Gruyere can refer to one of several things:
- Gruyère (cheese), a variety of cheese
- Gruyère (district), a district of the Canton of Fribourg, in Switzerland
- Gruyere, Victoria, a town in the Yarra Valley wine region east of Melbourne, Australia
- Gruyères, a town in the Gruyère district of Switzerland that gave its name to the cheese
- Gruyères, Ardennes, a commune in France
English Journal
- An electronic nose based on coated piezoelectric quartz crystals to certify ewes' cheese and to discriminate between cheese varieties.
- Pais VF, Oliveira JA, Gomes MT.SourceCESAM & Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Aveiro 3810-193, Portugal. vaniapais@hotmail.com
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland).Sensors (Basel).2012;12(2):1422-36. Epub 2012 Feb 1.
- An electronic nose based on coated piezoelectric quartz crystals was used to distinguish cheese made from ewes' milk, and to distinguish cheese varieties. Two sensors coated with Nafion and Carbowax could certify half the ewes' cheese samples, exclude 32 cheeses made from cow's milk and to classify
- PMID 22438717
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization for detection of classical propionibacteria with specific 16S rRNA-targeted probes and its application to enumeration in Gruyère cheese.
- Babot JD, Hidalgo M, Argañaraz-Martínez E, Apella MC, Perez Chaia A.SourceCentro de Referencia para Lactobacilos-CONICET, Chacabuco 145, T4000ILC San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
- International journal of food microbiology.Int J Food Microbiol.2011 Jan 31;145(1):221-8. Epub 2011 Jan 3.
- The classical or dairy propionibacteria have well-documented industrial applications and have been proposed for probiotic applications. Given their industrial importance it is necessary to employ fast and reliable techniques to monitor the growth during products elaboration, industrial fermentations
- PMID 21276635
Japanese Journal
- 中津川 研一,菊池 俊彦
- 昭和女子大学大学院生活機構研究科紀要 1, 69-73, 1991-12-16
- 市販されているナチュラルチーズに存在するラジカルをESRで測定し、次の結果を得た。(1)Cu^<2+>錯体、Fe^<3+>,Mn^<2+>に由来する遷移金属ラジカルを検出した。(2)多くのチーズから過酸化ラジカルを、また青カビ熟成チーズからはカーボンラジカルを検出した。最後に、ESRスペクトル解析に懇切なる指導を賜った日本電子(株)水田幸男氏に深謝します。また研 …
- NAID 110004727097
- 高橋 富士雄
- 日本畜産学会報 44(5), 241-247, 1973
- … The ripening rates of Gouda, Edam, Emmenthal and Gruyere cheeses were significantly lower than those of Camembert, St. Paulin and Blue cheeses. … The values of Gouda, Edam, Emmenthal and Camembert cheeses were relatively higher than those of Gruyere, St. Paulin and Blue cheeses, i.e., the antigenicity of the cheeses is generally reciprocal to the ripening rate. … While, those for Gruyere, St. Paulin and Blue cheeses which showed low antigenicity revealed generally diffused and indistinct bands. …
- NAID 130000735419
Related Links
- Tourist information and Online Hotel-reservation of the area La Gruyere (Switzerland) and presentation of Bulle, Charmey, Gruyères, Broc and Moleson. ... Free subscription for all children in the canton of Fribourg in third grade
- Informations sur l'origine, la fabrication et présentation de l'interprofession du gruyère. Et aussi des recettes.
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