- without envy or reluctance; "ungrudging admiration"
- in a generous and ungrudging manner; "he ungrudgingly agreed to pay for everybodys dinner when the guests found themselves without cash"
- 物惜しみしない,快く与える,心からの
- 気前よく,けちしないで,心から
Japanese Journal
- 橋本 雄太郎
- オーストラリア研究 5(0), 1-11, 1994
- … The Act has four key aspect : (l) ungrudging and unambiguous recognition and protection of native title, (2) provision for clear and certain validation of past Acts if they have been invalidated because of the existence of native title, (3) a just and practical regime governing future grants and acts affecting native title, (4) rigorous, specialised and accessible tribunal and court processes for determining claims to native title and for negotiation and decisions on proposed grants over native title land. …
- NAID 110009700634
- 中京英文学 = Chukyo English literature (6), 1-51, 1986-03-20
- … He deserves at least an ungrudging tribute of praise for his little tour de force in light verse-that delightful and unforgettable 'Ballad of Bouillabaisse'. …
- NAID 110006199332
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- His own economic genius was so entirely for operations on a larger scale, and, to move at his ease, he needed so imperatively the sense of great risks and great prizes, that he found an ungrudging entertainment in the spectacle of ...
- ungrudgingとは。意味や和訳。[形]物惜しみしない,しぶらない,快く与える;心からの,誠心誠意のungrudgingの派生語ungrudgingly副 - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。
- In the latter's eyes, for the first time, shone a real and ungrudging admiration. When satisfied that the object is worthy, his aid is generous and ungrudging. Even Captain Lote's praise of the Lusitania poem was whole-hearted and ...