- いき,ハイカラ;敏速;利口,抜け目のないこと
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English Journal
- SMART, SMARTER, SMARTEST: the influence of peer groups compared to practice visits on the quality of action plans.
- van Es JM, Visser MR, Wieringa-De Waard M.SourceAcademic Medical Center, Department of General Practice, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Medical teacher.Med Teach.2012;34(8):e582-8. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2012.670322. Epub 2012 Apr 11.
- BACKGROUND: It has been reported that appraisal by peers can be effective. Aim: To investigate whether feedback from a peer group (PG) compared to that by a staff member during a practice visit (PV) is as effective in improving the quality of action plans.METHODS: Seventy-three general practitioner
- PMID 22494081
- Personhood diagnostics: personal attributes and clinical explanations of pain.
- Buchbinder M.SourceDepartment of Social Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.
- Medical anthropology quarterly.Med Anthropol Q.2011 Dec;25(4):457-78.
- This article examines an explanation circulating within a U.S. multidisciplinary pediatric pain clinic that links the neurobiology of functional pain disorders to desirable personal attributes such as smartness and creativity. Drawing on ethnographic observations and the analysis of video-recorded c
- PMID 22338290
- Inevitability of balance restoration.
- Oh MS.SourceDepartment of Medicine, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA.
- Electrolyte & blood pressure : E & BP.Electrolyte Blood Press.2010 Jun;8(1):18-24. doi: 10.5049/EBP.2010.8.1.18. Epub 2010 Jun 30.
- Prolonged imbalance between input and output of any element in a living organism is incompatible with life. The duration of imbalance varies, but eventually balance is achieved. This rule applies to any quantifiable element in a compartment of finite capacity. Transient discrepancies occur regularly
- PMID 21468193
Japanese Journal
- 各界のトップランナー7人に聞いた 私が考える"頭のいい人"の条件 (特集 「頭がいい人」の条件が変わった。) -- (あなたも「頭がいい人」になれる!)
- 7083 スマート概念に基づくスマートプロジェクトの把握と課題抽出 : 日常生活圏のモビリティの視点からみたスマートコミュニティに関する研究(その1)(多様なライフスタイル,都市計画,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会)
- 7025 スマート概念に基づくスマートプロジェクトの把握と課題抽出 : スマートコミュニティに関する研究(その1)(都市計画)
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- a. Characterized by sharp quick thought; bright. See Synonyms at intelligent. b. Amusingly clever; witty: a smart quip; a lively, smart conversation. c. Impertinent; insolent: That's enough of your smart talk. 2. Energetic or quick in movement: a ...
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