small penis



  1. slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope; "a series of death struggles with small time in between"
  2. a garment size for a small person
  3. the slender part of the back
  4. limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group" (同)little
  5. have fine or very small constituent particles; "a small misty rain"
  6. on a small scale; "think small"
  7. a writing implement with a point from which ink flows
  8. an enclosure for confining livestock
  9. female swan
  10. the male organ of copulation (`member is a euphemism) (同)phallus, member


  1. (大きさが)『小さい』,小形の;(量が)『少ない』,わずかな / 『取るに足りない』,ささいな(trivial) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(仕事・活動などが)『小規模の』,ささやかな / 心が狭い,利己的な / (音・声が)弱い,小さい / (文字が)小型の,小文字の / 《the~》小さいもの;(…の)細い部分《+『of』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》《英》(衣類・ハンカチなどの)小物,小間物 / 小さく,細かく / (声などが)低く,弱く / 小規模に,こぢんまりと
  2. 〈C〉(インクを用いる筆記具全体をさして)『ペン』;万年筆,ポールペン,フェルトペン;ペン先 / 〈U〉《the~》文筆,著述 / 〈C〉《単数形で》《文》文筆家 / 《気どって》…‘を'書く,著す(write)
  3. 〈C〉(家畜などを入れる)『おり』 / 《集合的に》ありの中の動物 / 〈C〉(監禁・保護に使われる)囲い,幼児用遊びわく(playpen) / (囲い・ありなどに)…‘を'入れる,閉じ込める,監禁する《+『名』+[『up』]『in』+『名』》
  4. 刑務所[penitentiaryの短縮形]
  5. 陰茎,ペニス

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English Journal

  • Development of Avian External Genitalia: Interspecific Differences and Sexual Differentiation of the Male and Female Phallus.
  • Herrera AM1, Brennan PL, Cohn MJ.
  • Sexual development : genetics, molecular biology, evolution, endocrinology, embryology, and pathology of sex determination and differentiation.Sex Dev.2014 Jul 8. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Avian genitalia, particularly in waterfowl, are extremely diverse. Penis morphology varies among species, and penis length and elaboration are associated with the frequency of forced extra-pair copulations, yet the developmental mechanisms responsible for this variation are unknown. In addition, fem
  • PMID 25011524
  • A clinical study of pingyangmycin sclerotherapy for venous malformation: an evaluation of 281 consecutive patients.
  • Bai N1, Chen YZ, Fu YJ, Wu P, Zhang WN.
  • Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics.J Clin Pharm Ther.2014 Jun 13. doi: 10.1111/jcpt.12183. [Epub ahead of print]
  • WHAT IS KNOWN AND OBJECTIVE: In China, lidocaine together with 2 mg/mL of pingyangmycin (PYM, also known as bleomycin A5) is recommended for the treatment of venous malformations (VMs). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether lidocaine has a synergistic effect with PYM in improving the
  • PMID 24924412
  • Phalloplasty with an Innervated Island Pedicled Anterolateral Thigh Flap in a Female-to-Male Transsexual.
  • Hasegawa K1, Namba Y, Kimata Y.
  • Acta medica Okayama.Acta Med Okayama.2014 Jun;68(3):183-90.
  • Since 2001, we have been performing phalloplasty with a radial forearm free flap as the flap of first choice in female-to-male transsexuals (FTMTS). In the present case, a 22-year-old FTMTS with a negative Allen test, we achieved good results by performing phalloplasty with an innervated island pedi
  • PMID 24945633

Japanese Journal

  • For Vol.67, No.5 pp325-331 Phalloplasty with an Innervated Island Pedicled Anterolateral Thigh Flap in a Female-to-Male Transsexual
  • TPF (Paclitaxel, Cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil)療法を施行した進行性陰茎癌の1例
  • Phalloplasty with an Innervated Island Pedicled Anterolateral Thigh Flap in a Female-to-Male Transsexual

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These 4 small penis sex positions will leave her satisfied and you feeling like a god. ... The average erect penis is estimated to be somewhere around six inches in length. If you’re one of the millions who fall a bit short of ...




  • adj.