sexual sadism


  1. of or relating to or characterized by sexuality; "sexual orientation"; "sexual distinctions"
  2. having or involving sex; "sexual reproduction"; "sexual spores"
  3. sexual pleasure obtained by inflicting harm (physical or psychological) on others


  1. 性の,男女(雌雄)の / 有性生殖の
  2. サディズム,加虐(かぎゃく)症(異性を虐待して喜ぶ変態性欲)

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English Journal

  • Orientations of psychotic activity in defensive pathological organizations.
  • Williams P.Author information Bengers Cottage, Bengers Lane, Mottisfont, Hampshire SO51 0LR.m, UK. author reviews some clinical experiences of the treatment of personality disordered patients suffering from internal domination of ego functioning by a defensive pathological organization. In particular, the function and purpose of perverse, sadistic attacks by the organization on the ego are considered and questions pertaining to technique are raised. It is suggested that different forms of sadistic, subjugating activity by pathological organizations may denote differences in intent borne of the type and severity of the psychopathology of the individual. Patients with severe narcissistic psychopathology for whom object contact has become associated with the arousal of intense psychotic anxieties seem more likely to be subjected to an invasive, annihilatory imperative by the pathological organization, the purpose of which appears to be to obliterate the experience of contact with any differentiated object, to avoid emotion and to use coercion to enforce a primitive identification by the ego with the psychotic organization in the mind. Certain patients with less severe narcissistic psychopathology, yet for whom object contact can also be associated with the arousal of psychotic anxieties due to intense or persistent conflict with the object, sometimes expressed as organized sadomasochistic clinging to a punishing and punished object (for example, in certain borderline or depressed patients) exhibit sadistic attacks that serve less to annihilate object contact and more to intrusively control and punish the object. Observations of these phenomena have been made by a number of psychoanalysts in recent decades and these contributions are discussed. This paper is addressed primarily to the implications for technique with such patients, particularly a need for triangulation of their experiences of oppression in order to loosen the controls over the ego by the pathological organization.
  • The International journal of psycho-analysis.Int J Psychoanal.2014 Mar 12. doi: 10.1111/1745-8315.12141. [Epub ahead of print]
  • The author reviews some clinical experiences of the treatment of personality disordered patients suffering from internal domination of ego functioning by a defensive pathological organization. In particular, the function and purpose of perverse, sadistic attacks by the organization on the ego are co
  • PMID 24620792
  • Sadism in sexual offenders: evidence for dimensionality.
  • Mokros A1, Schilling F2, Weiss K3, Nitschke J4, Eher R2.Author information 1Department for Forensic Psychiatry.2Federal Evaluation Center for Violent and Sexual Offenders.3Department of Psychology, University of Klagenfurt.4Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Ansbach District Hospital.AbstractRecurrent and intense sexual fantasies and urges that circle around the infliction of pain or humiliation on another human being may predispose individuals toward acts of sexual aggression against nonconsenting victims. Consequently, sexual sadism is a paraphilia with particular relevance for forensic psychology and psychiatry. Using behavioral indicators derived from crime scene actions as well as clinical data, we sought in the present study to identify the latent structure of the disorder. We analyzed data from a national sample of male sexual offenders from Austria (N = 1,020). In addition to latent profile analysis, 3 conceptually different taxometric methods were applied. The results of the analyses were more in accordance with a dimensional interpretation than with a categorical distinction. That is, sadistic conduct in sexual offenses is likely an extreme form of coercion, but not a qualitatively different entity. The implications with respect to the current debate on the diagnostic criteria for sadism are discussed.
  • Psychological assessment.Psychol Assess.2014 Mar;26(1):138-47. doi: 10.1037/a0034861. Epub 2013 Nov 11.
  • Recurrent and intense sexual fantasies and urges that circle around the infliction of pain or humiliation on another human being may predispose individuals toward acts of sexual aggression against nonconsenting victims. Consequently, sexual sadism is a paraphilia with particular relevance for forens
  • PMID 24219703
  • Pop vampires, freud, and primary masochism.
  • Henry C.Author information 1 Brookline Place, #426, Brookline, MA 02445. E-mail: are often portrayed as seductive. It is difficult to separate this association from the sadistic nature of the figure--a connection that is dependent upon a potential masochism within the victim. Post-Freudian contributions on sadism, masochism, and sexuality have emphasized the role of traumatic factors in influencing the development of sadomasochistic urges. However, the popularity of the vampire figure evidences a role for Freud's notion of an inherent primary masochism. This erotic impulse is primitive in nature and seemingly nonoedipal. Vampire dramatizations are a convenient location for the playing out of these repressed tensions.
  • Psychoanalytic review.Psychoanal Rev.2014 Feb;101(1):25-38. doi: 10.1521/prev.2014.101.1.25.
  • Vampires are often portrayed as seductive. It is difficult to separate this association from the sadistic nature of the figure--a connection that is dependent upon a potential masochism within the victim. Post-Freudian contributions on sadism, masochism, and sexuality have emphasized the role of tra
  • PMID 24555550

Japanese Journal

  • 「性的実存の尊重」は性暴力を肯定するか? : 性暴力とマゾヒズムの狭間から
  • 鎌原 利成
  • 京都社会学年報 : KJS 8, 1-30, 2000-00-00
  • … It is often said that one is able to choose his or her own sexual identity, so long as it brings no harm to others. … If this is the case, how should we consider "violent sexuality?" First this paper focuses on masochistic sexual subject and self-defeating sexual relationship. … But some of them compulsively suffer with such sexual orientaions. …
  • NAID 110000483208
  • 動物虐待を主訴とする女性との精神療法過程 : 性的虐待を受けた患者との治療経過における転移 : 逆転移

Related Links

Sexual sadism: Individuals with sexual sadism disorder have persistent fantasies in which sexual excitement results from inflicting psychological or physical suffering (including humiliation and terror) on a sexual partner. This disorder is ...
11 May 2013 ... A psychiatrist says the psychological profile emerging of Ariel Castro is not rare; Ragan: Battering, sociopathy, and sexual sadism do not seem enough to explain the crimes; Castro had the 'sociopathic instincts of how to ...




sexual sadism
加虐性愛 algolagniaサディズム sadism



  • adj.
  • 性的な



  [★] 性的サディズム