- 関
- (n.)reassurance 再保証。安心、安堵。reinsurance
- give or restore confidence in; cause to feel sure or certain; "I reassured him that we were safe"
- cause to feel sure; give reassurance to; "The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe" (同)assure
- provide additional insurance for
- insure again by assuming all or a part of the liability of an insurance company already covering a risk
- insure again by transferring to another insurance company all or a part of a liability assumed
- having confidence restored; freed from anxiety; "reassured by her praise he pressed on"
- restoring confidence and relieving anxiety; "a very reassuring remark"
- 〈人〉‘に'自信を取り戻させる
- …‘を'再保証する / …‘に'再保険をかける
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English Journal
- Outbreak of staphylococcal food poisoning from a military unit lunch party - United States, july 2012.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).AbstractOn July 30, 2012, the emergency department at a military hospital was visited by 13 persons seeking care for gastrointestinal illness with onset 2-3 hours after a work lunch party. The hospital responded by opening up temporary evaluation and treatment capacity in primary-care clinics and a progressive-care unit and by diverting one patient to a local civilian hospital. An immediate outbreak investigation was conducted by local military public health personnel with assistance from CDC. Initial epidemiologic analysis implicated "perlo" (a chicken, sausage, and rice dish) and bacterial intoxication as the outbreak mechanism. This enabled public health personnel to 1) recommend no further consumption of perlo and 2) reassure appropriate authorities that no additional ill persons likely would be seeking care and advise that nothing more than supportive care of ill persons likely would be required. After interviewing party attendees, investigators found nine additional persons who met their case definition. Subsequent CDC laboratory analysis of a sample of perlo detected staphylococcal enterotoxin A, supporting the epidemiologic findings. Improper food handling and preparation measures were identified and addressed by the appropriate authorities, who provided additional detailed education on food preparation safety for the persons who prepared the meal.
- MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep.2013 Dec 20;62(50):1026-8.
- On July 30, 2012, the emergency department at a military hospital was visited by 13 persons seeking care for gastrointestinal illness with onset 2-3 hours after a work lunch party. The hospital responded by opening up temporary evaluation and treatment capacity in primary-care clinics and a progress
- PMID 24352066
- Prevalence of restless legs syndrome in female blood donors 1 week after blood donation.
- Pedrazzini B, Waldvogel S, Vaucher P, Cornuz J, Heinzer R, Tissot JD, Favrat B.Author information Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.AbstractBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent condition with a prevalence of 5-15% in the general population. Clinical and genetic observations have shown that iron deficiency, highly prevalent among blood donors, can be related to RLS. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of RLS in female blood donors 1 week after blood donation.
- Vox sanguinis.Vox Sang.2013 Dec 13. doi: 10.1111/vox.12123. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent condition with a prevalence of 5-15% in the general population. Clinical and genetic observations have shown that iron deficiency, highly prevalent among blood donors, can be related to RLS. The objective of this study was to asses
- PMID 24329401
- Papillomavirus vaccination in France according to 2008 to 2012 Vaccinoscopie® data.
- Denis F, Cohen R, Stahl JP, Martinot A, Dury V, Le Danvic M, Gaudelus J.Author information Service de bactériologie-virologie-hygiène, CHU Dupuytren, 2, avenue Martin-Luther-King, 87042 Limoges cedex, France.AbstractVaccination against human papillomavirus infections (HPV), introduced in the French vaccinal schedule in 2007, was recommended until the end of 2012 for 14-year-old girls, with a catch-up policy until 23years of age. We followed the evolution of this vaccine coverage rate (VC) during these 5years in the Vaccinoscopie® survey.
- Medecine et maladies infectieuses.Med Mal Infect.2013 Dec 4. pii: S0399-077X(13)00324-7. doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2013.11.001. [Epub ahead of print]
- Vaccination against human papillomavirus infections (HPV), introduced in the French vaccinal schedule in 2007, was recommended until the end of 2012 for 14-year-old girls, with a catch-up policy until 23years of age. We followed the evolution of this vaccine coverage rate (VC) during these 5years in
- PMID 24315427
- Oral contraceptive use and cancer: final report from the Oxford-Family Planning Association contraceptive study.
- Vessey M, Yeates D.Author information Unit of Health Care Epidemiology, Oxford University, Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LF UK. Electronic address: martin.vessey@dph.ox.ac.uk.AbstractBACKGROUND: This analysis provides the final results on cancer incidence in relation to oral contraceptive (OC) use from the Oxford-Family Planning Association (Oxford-FPA) contraceptive study, which closed at the end of 2010. An additional 6 years of observation have been added since our last report and there has been an increase in the numbers of cancers of over 50% at seven of the sites considered.
- Contraception.Contraception.2013 Dec;88(6):678-83. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2013.08.008. Epub 2013 Sep 2.
- BACKGROUND: This analysis provides the final results on cancer incidence in relation to oral contraceptive (OC) use from the Oxford-Family Planning Association (Oxford-FPA) contraceptive study, which closed at the end of 2010. An additional 6 years of observation have been added since our last repor
- PMID 24090961
Japanese Journal
- アンカリング効果のメカニズムにおける「カバー効果」の検討
- 杉本 崇,高野 陽太郎
- 認知心理学研究 12(1), 51-60, 2014
- 従来アンカリング効果は数的な過程によって起こるとされていたが,近年ではアンカーによって実験参加者の持つ知識が選択的に活性化されるために起こるという意味的過程モデルが提唱されている(Mussweiler & Strack,1999a).杉本・高野(2011)では,このモデルを検討するために参加者が非常に乏しい知識しか持ち合わせない対象について推定させたところ,意味的過程によって効果が起こりえないとき …
- NAID 130004697083
- Negative Surveys with Randomized Response Techniques for Privacy-Aware Participatory Sensing
- AOKI Shunsuke,SEZAKI Kaoru
- IEICE Transactions on Communications E97.B(4), 721-729, 2014
- … Moreover, an environment that can reassure participants and encourage their participation in participatory sensing is strongly required because the quality of the statistical data is dependent on the active contribution of general users. …
- NAID 130003394668
- 東日本大震災と原発過酷事故による放射性物質汚染地域からの食品供給と風評被害-疫学的・経済学的・社会心理学的視点からの考案-
- 杉田 稔,宮川 路子
- 日本衞生學雜誌 68(3), 207-214, 2013-09-30
- … Results and Discussion: Fuhyo higai, or economic damage of the agro-food sector, which is the main industry in the contaminated areas, is serious because it is difficult to reassure the general population regarding food safety. …
- NAID 10031201245
- 第2子誕生後1か月時における母親のとらえた第1子の反応に対する母親の対応
- 保田 ひとみ,坂井 明美,畑下 博世
- 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要 19(1), 57-65, 2011-03
- 本研究は,第2子誕生後1か月時における母親のとらえた第1子の反応(以下,第1子の反応)に対する母親の対応を明らかにすることを目的とする.妊娠36週以降に健康な第2子を出産した母親15人を対象に,産後1か月健診以降2か月未満の時期に半構成的面接を行い,質的帰納的に分析した.結果,第1子の反応に対する母親の対応として4つの大カテゴリーが抽出された.さらにこれらの母親の対応は,第1子の反応を受容した母親 …
- NAID 110008424984
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