- toward or on the left; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the political party has moved left"
- a turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east; "take a left at the corner"
- the hand that is on the left side of the body; "jab with your left" (同)left_hand
- those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare (同)left wing
- location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east; "she stood on the left"
- intended for the left hand; "I rarely lose a left-hand glove" (同)left-hand
- being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north; "my left hand"; "left center field"; "the left bank of a river is bank on your left side when you are facing downstream"
- of or belonging to the political or intellectual left
- a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic
- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body (同)arteria, arterial blood vessel
- acute abdominal pain (especially in infants) (同)intestinal colic, gripes, griping
- a pass between mountain peaks (同)gap
- leaveの過去・過去分詞
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『左の』,左方の / 《しばしばl-》(政治上の)左翼の,左派の,革新派の / 左に,左方に / 《通例 the ~》『左』,左方,左側 / 《しばしばthe L-》左翼の政党(団体),左派 / 〈U〉(野球で)左翼,レフト(left field);〈C〉左翼手(left fielder) / 〈C〉(ボクシングで)左手打ち
- 動脈 / (道路・水路・鉄道などの)勘線,(通信の)主チャンネル
- 腹痛,さしこみ
- (山脈の)鞍部(あんぶ),山あい
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/14 12:52:20」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Artery: Left colic artery |
The inferior mesenteric artery and its branches. (Left colic visible at center right.) |
Sigmoid colon and rectum, showing distribution of branches of inferior mesenteric artery and their anastomoses. (Left colic visible at center left.) |
Latin |
arteria colica sinistra |
Gray's |
subject #154 610 |
Supplies |
descending colon |
Source |
inferior mesenteric |
Vein |
left colic vein |
The left colic artery is a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery that runs to the left behind the peritoneum and in front of the psoas major muscle, and after a short, but variable, course divides into an ascending and a descending branch; the stem of the artery or its branches cross the left ureter and left internal spermatic vessels.
The ascending branch crosses in front of the left kidney and ends, between the two layers of the transverse mesocolon, by anastomosing with the middle colic artery; the descending branch anastomoses with the highest sigmoid artery.
From the arches formed by these anastomoses branches are distributed to the descending colon and the left part of the transverse colon.
Additional images
Superior and inferior duodenal fossæ.
External links
- sup&infmesentericart at The Anatomy Lesson by Wesley Norman (Georgetown University)
- SUNY Labs 39:05-0105 - "Intestines and Pancreas: Branches of the Inferior Mesenteric Artery"
- SUNY Anatomy Image 8585
- SUNY Anatomy Image 8658
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
List of arteries of torso – abdomen
AA |
- inferior phrenic (superior suprarenal)
- lumbar
- median sacral
- Coccygeal glomus
left gastric
common hepatic
- proper hepatic (cystic)
- right gastric
- gastroduodenal (right gastro-omental, superior pancreaticoduodenal, supraduodenal)
- pancreatic branches (greater, dorsal)
- short gastric
- left gastro-omental
- inferior pancreaticoduodenal
- intestinal (jejunal, ileal, arcades, vasa recta)
- ileocolic (colic, anterior cecal, posterior cecal, ileal branch, appendicular)
- right colic
- middle colic
- left colic
- sigmoid
- superior rectal
- marginal
- middle suprarenal
- renal (inferior suprarenal, ureteral)
- gonadal (testicular ♂ / ovarian ♀)
common iliac
- superior vesical
- to ductus deferens ♂
- medial umbilical ligament
- anterior branch
- posterior branch
middle rectal
uterine ♀
- arcuate
- vaginal of uterine
- ovarian of uterine
- tubal of uterine
- spiral
- vaginal ♀
- inferior vesical ♂
inferior gluteal
- accompanying of ischiadic nerve
- crucial anastomosis
internal pudendal
- inferior rectal
- perineal (posterior scrotal ♂/labial ♀)
- bulb of penis ♂/vestibule ♀
- urethral
- deep artery of the penis ♂ (helicine)/clitoris ♀
- dorsal of the penis ♂/clitoris ♀
- iliolumbar (lumbar, iliac)
- lateral sacral
- superior gluteal
- see arteries of lower limbs
anat (a:h/u/t/a/l,v:h/u/t/a/l)/phys/devp/cell/prot
noco/syva/cong/lyvd/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C2s+n/3/4/5/7/8/9)
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English Journal
- Use of an electrothermal bipolar sealing device in ligation of major mesenteric vessels during laparoscopic colorectal resection.
- Martin ST, Heeney A, Pierce C, O'Connell PR, Hyland JM, Winter DC.SourceDepartment of Colorectal Surgery, St. Vincent's University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4, Ireland.
- Techniques in coloproctology.Tech Coloproctol.2011 Sep;15(3):285-9. Epub 2011 Jul 15.
- BACKGROUND: A variety of approaches are available for division of major vascular structures during laparoscopic colorectal resection. Ultrasonic coagulating shears (UCS), vascular staplers, plastic or titanium clips and electrothermal bipolar vessel sealing (EBVS) are currently available. We report
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- Blunt injury of the innominate artery and left innominate vein.
- Davidovic L, Ilic N, Cvetkovic S, Koncar I, Colic M, Vjestica M.SourceClinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Vascular.Vascular.2011 Jul-Aug;19(4):223-5. Epub 2011 Jul 8.
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Japanese Journal
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- 岡山医学会雑誌 122(2), 129-133, 2010-08-02
- … A 58-year-old man was diagnosed as having descending colon cancer and underwent a left colectomy with D3 node dissection and end-to-end anastomosis reconstruction. … The accessory middle colic artery was secured as a feeding artery, and the middle colic artery was preserved. …
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Related Links
- The left colic artery runs to the left behind the peritoneum and in front of the psoas major muscle, and after a short, but variable, course divides into an ascending and a descending branch; the stem of the artery or its branches cross the left ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- left colic artery LCA
- ラ
- arteria colica sinistra
- 関
- 結腸動脈
- 関
- leave
- 関
- abdominal cramp、colicky、colicky pain
Escherichia coli、Campylobacter coli