- put (a liquid) into a container by means of a ladle; "ladle soup into the bowl"
- a spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle; frequently used to transfer liquids from one container to another
- remove with or as if with a ladle; "ladle the water out of the bowl" (同)lade, laden
- a ladle for serving soup
- ひしゃく / (ひしゃく・スプーンなどで)…‘を'くむ,くみ上げる,すくう《+『名』+『out,』+『out』+『名』》
- 若者,少年(boy) / 《話》《おもにイギリス北部で,親愛を表す呼び掛けに用いて》男,やつ
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Look up ladle in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Ladle may refer to:
- Ladle (spoon), a bowl-shaped serving device, typically for soup
- Ladle (foundry), a vessel used to carry and pour molten metal
- Ladle, a monthly tournament of Armagetron Advanced
English Journal
- Analysis of Proprioceptive Sensory Innervation of the Mouse Soleus: A Whole-Mount Muscle Approach.
- Sonner MJ1, Walters MC1, Ladle DR1.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2017 Jan 25;12(1):e0170751. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0170751. eCollection 2017.
- Muscle proprioceptive afferents provide feedback critical for successful execution of motor tasks via specialized mechanoreceptors housed within skeletal muscles: muscle spindles, supplied by group Ia and group II afferents, and Golgi tendon organs, supplied by group Ib afferents. The morphology of
- PMID 28122055
- Dicer maintains the identity and function of proprioceptive sensory neurons.
- O'Toole SM1, Ferrer MM2, Mekonnen J1, Zhang H2, Shima Y2, Ladle DR3, Nelson SB4.
- Journal of neurophysiology.J Neurophysiol.2016 Dec 21:jn.00763.2016. doi: 10.1152/jn.00763.2016. [Epub ahead of print]
- Neuronal cell identity is established during development and must be maintained throughout an animal's life (Fishell and Heintz 2013). Transcription factors critical for establishing neuronal identity can be required for maintaining it (Deneris and Hobert 2014). Post-transcriptional regulation also
- PMID 28003412
- Study of the leaching behaviour of ladle slags by means of leaching tests combined with geochemical modelling and mineralogical investigations.
- Loncnar M1, van der Sloot HA2, Mladenovič A3, Zupančič M4, Kobal L4, Bukovec P4.
- Journal of hazardous materials.J Hazard Mater.2016 Nov 5;317:147-57. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.05.046. Epub 2016 May 17.
- In this study, the leachability of freshly produced ladle slag derived from both austenitic and ferritic stainless steel production, and from electrical and structural steel production, was investigated, in order to determine whether variations in the chemical and mineralogical composition of these
- PMID 27262282
- Riverine fishers' knowledge of extreme climatic events in the Brazilian Amazonia.
- Camacho Guerreiro AI1, Ladle RJ2,3, da Silva Batista V4,2.
- Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine.J Ethnobiol Ethnomed.2016 Oct 26;12(1):50.
- BACKGROUND: Climate change is altering climate patterns, mainly increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme events with potentially serious impacts on natural resources and the people that use them. Adapting to such impacts will require the integration of scientific and local (folk) knowledge,
- PMID 27784304
Japanese Journal
- A Study on Analysis of Team Working Process Using the Information of Worker's Location
- 満行 泰河,大和 裕幸,稗方 和夫,小林 敬和,黒川 哲明
- 日本機械学会論文集C編 79(799), 837-844, 2013
- … The proposed methodology was applied to changing ladle operation in continuous casting. … In addition, this method can get the new knowledge about changing ladle operation. …
- NAID 130003374973
- Lab-scale Experiment and Industrial Test for Direct Alloying with the Ferrosilicon-MoO3 Self-reducing Briquette
- Song Sheng-Qiang,Xue Zheng-Liang,Yu Yue,Liu Rui-Ning,Wang Gong-Liang
- ISIJ International 53(7), 1138-1142, 2013
- … When adding the self-reducing briquette into a 60 t ladle of Shijiazhuang Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. for industrial test, the average yield of Mo was 98.25%, and the change in the technology did not have an impact on the quality of products. …
- NAID 130003366197
- Turbulent Flow Phenomena and Ce2O3 Behavior during a Steel Teeming Process
- Ni Peiyuan,Jonsson Lage Tord Ingemar,Ersson Mikael,Jönsson Pär Göran
- ISIJ International 53(5), 792-801, 2013
- Steel flow phenomena and Ce2O3 inclusion behavior are presented in this paper. A three-dimensional model was developed to describe the steel flow phenomena and the inclusion behavior during a teeming …
- NAID 130003366151
- Physical and Mathematical Models of Vortex Flows During The Last Stages of Steel Draining Operations from a Ladle
- Morales Rodolfo D.,Dávila-Maldonado Omar,Calderón Ismael,Morales-Higa Ken
- ISIJ International 53(5), 782-791, 2013
- … Slag entrainment during steel teeming-drain operations from a steel ladle impacts negatively steel cleanliness and quality. … The temperature gradients originated by the heat losses of the ladle to the surroundings provide buoyancy forces that are large enough to influence liquid motion in the ladle. …
- NAID 130003366150
Related Links
- Ladle may refer to: Ladle (spoon), a serving device, typically for soup; Ladle ( metallurgy), a foundry ladle used to carry and pour molten metal; Ladle ( Japanese tea ceremony tea scoop); Ladle (monthly tournament of Armagetron Advanced) ...
- A ladle is a type of serving spoon used for soup, stew, or other foods. Although designs vary, a typical ladle has a long handle terminating in a deep bowl, frequently with the bowl oriented at an angle to the handle to facilitate lifting liquid out of ...
- ladleとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 ひしゃく, 大さじ.2 《冶金》取鍋(とりべ).━━[動](他)1 …を( …から;…へ)(ひしゃくで)くむ, - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等 からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
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