- press and smooth with a heated iron; "press your shirts"; "she stood there ironing" (同)iron_out, press
- a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood (同)Fe, atomic number 26
- implement used to brand live stock (同)branding iron
- home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth (同)smoothing iron
- a golf club that has a relatively narrow metal head
- garments (clothes or linens) that are to be (or have been) ironed; "there was a basketful of ironing to do"
- the work of using heat to smooth washed clothes in order to remove any wrinkles
- one of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons
- (of linens or clothes) smoothed with a hot iron
- metal shackles; for hands or legs (同)chains
- 〈U〉『鉄』 / 〈U〉鉄のように堅い(強い,冷たい)こと / 〈C〉鉄製の器具 / 〈C〉[電気]『アイロン』 / 〈C〉アイアン(球を打つ部分が金属のゴルフクラブ) / 〈C〉《複数形で》手かせ,足かせ / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『鉄の』,鉄製の / 鉄のように堅い(強い,冷たい) / …‘に'アイロンをかける / 〈人が〉アイロンをかける
- アイロンかけ / アイロンかけをした(をする)衣類
- 同位元素,アイソトープ
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English Journal
- [Effects of hypoxia on iron metabolism of rat L6 skeletal muscle cells].
- Li HZ, Liu YQ, Wang HT, Liu SX, Zhao B, Yang J.SourceDepartment of Physical Education, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050024, China. E-mail: yuqianht@126.com.
- Sheng li xue bao : [Acta physiologica Sinica].Sheng Li Xue Bao.2011 Aug 25;63(4):347-52.
- The present study was aimed to investigate the effects of hypoxia on iron metabolism of skeletal muscle. Rat L6 skeletal muscle cells were randomly divided into three groups which were exposed to hypoxia (1% O2) for 0, 12, 24 h, respectively. Iron isotope tracing method was used to determine iron up
- PMID 21861054
- Wild Brown Trout Affected by Historical Mining in the Cevennes National Park, France.
- Monna F, Camizuli E, Revelli P, Biville C, Thomas C, Losno R, Scheifler R, Bruguier O, Baron S, Chateau C, Ploquin A, Alibert P.SourceUMR 5594, ARTeHIS, Universite de Bourgogne-CNRS-culture , Boulevard Gabriel, Bat. Gabriel, F-21000 Dijon, France.
- Environmental science & technology.Environ Sci Technol.2011 Aug 15;45(16):6823-30. Epub 2011 Jul 18.
- In the protected area of the Cevennes National Park (Southern France), 114 wild brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) were captured at six locations affected to different extents by historical mining and metallurgy dating from the Iron Age to Modern Times. Cadmium and lead in trout livers and muscles r
- PMID 21739978
Japanese Journal
- 水酸化鉄への微量元素の吸着 : 同位体比の変動や微生物の影響
- 結晶性酸化鉄を還元する土壌微生物 : その生態学的意義と利用技術
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- Naturally occurring iron (Fe) consists of four isotopes: 5.845% of 54Fe ( possibly radioactive with a half-life over 3.1×1022 years), 91.754% of 56Fe, 2.119% of 57Fe and 0.282% of 58Fe. There are 24 known radioactive isotopes and their ...