Walcher hanging position



  1. cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation
  2. a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury" (同)post, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situation
  3. the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender" (同)posture, attitude
  4. the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage" (同)spatial relation
  5. (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"
  6. the act of positing; an assumption taken as a postulate or axiom
  7. the particular portion of space occupied by something; "he put the lamp back in its place" (同)place
  8. a rationalized mental attitude (同)stance, posture
  9. a way of regarding situations or topics etc.; "consider what follows from the positivist view" (同)view, perspective
  10. the appropriate or customary location; "the cars were in position"
  11. decoration that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window; "the cold castle walls were covered with hangings" (同)wall hanging
  12. a form of capital punishment; victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead; "in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment"


  1. 〈C〉『位置;場所』;所在地 / 〈U〉所定の位置,適所 / 〈C〉『姿勢』,構え / 〈U〉有利な地位(立場) / 〈C〉《通例単数形で》(周囲の状況と関連する)『立場,境遇』;形勢,情況 / 〈C〉見解,態度 / 〈C〉(…としての)勤め口,職《+『as(of)+名』》 / 〈C〉(…の中の)地位《+『in+名』》 / 〈U〉(特に高い)社会的地位 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》…‘を'適当な(特定の)場所に置く
  2. 〈U〉〈C〉絞首刑 / 《複数形で》カーテン,幕;壁紙 / 絞首刑に値する / 掛かっている,ぶら下がった

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  • 1. 胎児の後頭後位occiput posterior position [show details]
  • 2. 成人における上腕骨骨幹部骨折midshaft humerus fractures in adults [show details]
  • 3. 腹腔鏡下手術に用いる腹部アクセス法abdominal access techniques used in laparoscopic surgery [show details]
  • 4. 後頭横位occiput transverse position [show details]
  • 5. 肩インピンジメントおよび関連する問題におけるリハビリテーションの原理および実践rehabilitation principles and practice for shoulder impingement and related problems [show details]

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Walcher’s Position will allow contractions to engage a baby that is high, not really in the pelvis yet. The baby may be stuck at the brim or inlet of the pelvis. Use this position through and between three contractions in a row to lower baby into a normal pelvic brim. Contractions make it work.
Walcher and many of his subsequent,supporters measured the diagonal conjugate in the extreme exaggerated lithotomp position "by drawing the knees up as high as possible toward the body," and in the extreme hyperextended
STETRICS. 871 the Walcher position is dependent upon the motion of the sacro-iliac synchron-drosis, and is explained as follows: The weight of the limbs hanging from the edgeof the table causes the ilia to rotate forward and




Walcher hanging position



  • n.
  • v.
  • 位置する