- fenestra leading into the cochlea (同)fenestra_cochleae, round_window, fenestra of the cochlea
- a building having a circular plan and a dome
- a large circular room
- spherical in shape
- a small opening covered with membrane (especially one in the bone between the middle and inner ear)
- 丸屋根のある円形建築;丸天井の円形大広間
- 《時におどけて》丸々と太った / (声が)朗々とした
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[Wiki en表示]
Round window |
View of the inner wall of the tympanum. (label is 'fen. rotund.' - lower of two black circles.) |
Interior of right osseous labyrinth. (label is 'cochlear fenestra', at bottom center.) |
Latin |
fenestra cochleae, fenestra rotunda |
Gray's |
subject #232 1051 |
MeSH |
Round+Window |
The round window is one of the two openings into the inner ear. It is closed off from the middle ear by the round window membrane, which vibrates with opposite phase to vibrations entering the inner ear through the oval window. It allows fluid in the cochlea to move, which in turn ensures that hair cells of the basilar membrane will be stimulated and that audition will occur.
- 1 Anatomy
- 2 Function
- 3 Medical implications
- 4 Additional images
- 5 Notes
- 6 External links
The round window is situated below and a little behind the oval window, from which it is separated by a rounded elevation, the promontory.
It is placed at the bottom of a funnel-shaped depression (the round window niche) and, in the macerated bone, opens into the cochlea of the internal ear; in the fresh state it is closed by a membrane, the secondary tympanic membrane or round window membrane, which is a complex saddle point shape. The visible central portion is concave toward the tympanic cavity and convex toward the cochlea but towards the edges, where it is hidden in the round window niche, it curves the other way.
This membrane consists of three layers:
- an external, or mucous, derived from the mucous lining of the tympanic cavity;
- an internal, from the lining membrane of the cochlea;
- and an intermediate, or fibrous layer.
Both the oval and round windows are about the same size, approximately 2.5 mm2. The entrance to the round window niche is often much smaller than this.
The stapes bone transmits movement to the oval window. As the stapes footplate moves into the oval window, the round window membrane moves out, and this allows movement of the fluid within the cochlea, leading to movement of the cochlear inner hair cells and thus hearing. If the round window were to be absent or rigidly fixed (as can happen in some congenital abnormalities), the stapes footplate would be pushing incompressible fluid against the unyielding walls of the cochlea. It would therefore not move to any useful degree leading to a hearing loss of about 60dB. This is, unsurprisingly, the same as for conditions where the stapes itself is fixed, such as otosclerosis.
Medical implications
The round window sometimes fails to develop correctly and causes the hearing loss mentioned above. Unfortunately round window malformations are often associated with other ear malformations and the hearing loss can be much more severe. Some types of ear surgery (now generally abandoned) used to leave the round window open to the outside world and covered over the oval window. Sound pressure therefore hit the round window but was shielded from the oval window. It therefore travelled "backwards" around the cochlea but still gave useful hearing as the hair cells were still deflected in the same way. The round window is often used as an approach for cochlear implant surgery. It has also recently been used as a site to place middle ear implantable hearing aid transducers. This work has been publicised by Prof. Vittorio Colletti in Verona.[1]
Additional images
- ^ Colletti V, Soli SD, Carner M, Colletti L (2006). "Treatment of mixed hearing losses via implantation of a vibratory transducer on the round window". International journal of audiology 45 (10): 600–8. doi:10.1080/14992020600840903. PMID 17062502.
External links
- Diagram (as 'round window') at Southwest Tennessee Community College
- Overview at University of Denver
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Sensory system: Auditory and Vestibular systems (TA A15.3, TH 3.11.09, GA 10.1029)
Outer ear |
- Pinna (Helix, Antihelix, Tragus, Antitragus, Incisura anterior auris, Earlobe)
- Ear canal
- Auricular muscles
- Eardrum (Umbo
- Pars flaccida)
Middle ear |
Tympanic cavity
- Labyrinthine wall/medial: Oval window
- Round window
- Secondary tympanic membrane
- Prominence of facial canal
- Promontory of tympanic cavity
- Mastoid wall/posterior: Mastoid cells
- Aditus to mastoid antrum
- Pyramidal eminence
- Tegmental wall/roof: Epitympanic recess
- Malleus (Neck of malleus, Superior ligament of malleus, Lateral ligament of malleus, Anterior ligament of malleus)
- Incus (Superior ligament of incus, Posterior ligament of incus)
- Stapes (Anular ligament of stapes)
Eustachian tube
- Bony part of pharyngotympanic tube
- Cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube (Torus tubarius)
Inner ear/
(membranous labyrinth,
bony labyrinth) |
Auditory system
Cochlear labyrinth
General cochlea
- Scala vestibuli
- Helicotrema
- Scala tympani
- Modiolus
- Cochlear cupula
Perilymphatic space
- Perilymph
- Cochlear aqueduct
Cochlear duct /
scala media
- Reissner's/vestibular membrane
- Basilar membrane
- Endolymph
- Stria vascularis
- Spiral ligament
- Organ of Corti: Stereocilia
- Tectorial membrane
- Sulcus spiralis (externus, internus)
- Spiral limbus
- Claudius cell
- Boettcher cell
Vestibular system/
Vestibular labyrinth
- Static/translations/vestibule/endolymphatic duct: Utricle (Macula)
- Saccule (Macula, Endolymphatic sac)
- Kinocilium
- Otolith
- Vestibular aqueduct
- Canalis reuniens
- Kinetic/rotations: Semicircular canals (Superior, Posterior, Horizontal)
- Ampullary cupula
- Ampullae (Crista ampullaris)
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English Journal
- New information on Riograndia guaibensis Bonaparte, Ferigolo & Ribeiro, 2001 (Eucynodontia, Tritheledontidae) from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil: anatomical and biostratigraphic implications.
- Soares MB, Schultz CL, Horn BL.SourceDepartamento de Paleontologia e Estratigrafia, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. marina.soares@ufrgs.br
- Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências.An Acad Bras Cienc.2011 Mar;83(1):329-54.
- The tritheledontid Riograndia guaibensis was the first cynodont described for the "Caturrita Formation" fauna from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil (Santa Maria 2 Sequence). The type materials did not preserve anatomical information regarding braincase, occiput, basicranium, zygomatic arch, post
- PMID 21437390
- [Investigations of the ototoxicity of dicortinef (ear drops)].
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- The authors investigated the ototoxic influence of Dicortinef in laboratory animals. Their examinations were performed on 15 guinea pigs (weighing 210-380 g.) after application of this medicine to the fenestra rotunda. The harmful effect of Dicortinef was expressed by the characteristic fall in the
- PMID 1383910
- [Perilymphatic fistula. Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties].
- Legent F, Beauvillain C, Viale M, Korb G, Desson P, Bonnet J.SourceClinique ORL, Hôtel-Dieu, Nantes.
- Annales d'oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale : bulletin de la Société d'oto-laryngologie des hôpitaux de Paris.Ann Otolaryngol Chir Cervicofac.1988;105(6):465-75.
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- PMID 3059939
Japanese Journal
- Experimentelle Studien über den pressorischen Nystagmus
- 渡邊 篤
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 24(3), 324-338, 1930
- … Die Verschliessung der Fenstern (Fenestra ovalis od. … Fenestra rotunda) oder die Unterbindung der Halsarterien (A. …
- NAID 130001802631
- 高温ノ聽器ニ及ボス影響ニ關スル實驗的研究 : 其一 高温乾燥空氣ニ由ル實驗
- 片岡 照夫
- 京都府立医科大学雑誌 3A(1/2/3), 101-170, 1929
- … Durch eine hohe Temperatur wird die Fenestra ovalis kaum beeinflusst, dagegen stets leicht die Membrana tympanica secundaria, woraus hervorgeht, dass die Eenestra rotunda eine wichtige Pforte ist, von der aus man hohe Temperaturen auf das Spatium endo- und perilymphaticum einwirken lassen kann. …
- NAID 110007106488
- 藤森 眞治
- 岡山医学会雑誌 39(10), 1720-1780, 1927-10-31
- … Fenestra rotunda, 3. … Fenestra ovalis und 4. … Beim Zustandekommen irgend welcher Störungen der Vorhofsfunktionen bei oder nach der Läsion der Cochlea, Fenestra rotunda et ovalis werden im Spatium endolymphaticum vestibuli durch die betreffende Verletzung pathologische Veränderungen hervorgerufen. …
- NAID 120003659907
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