- lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of; "The circumstances extenuate the crime" (同)palliate, mitigate
- partially excusing or justifying; "extenuating circumstances"
- (事情などが)〈罪・過失など〉‘を'軽くする,‘の'言い訳となる
English Journal
- Herb-Partitioned Moxibustion and the miRNAs Related to Crohn's Disease: A Study Based on Rat Models.
- Wei K1, Zhang D2, Hong J2, Zhang C2, Feng X2, Huang Y3, Liu J2, Wu L2, Wu H2, Ma X2.
- Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM.Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.2015;2015:265238. doi: 10.1155/2015/265238. Epub 2015 Feb 25.
- Crohn's disease (CD) is a major subtype of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Herb-partitioned moxibustion (HPM) has been proven to be effective in treating CD by a large amount of clinical and experimental researches. MiRNAs (microRNAs) are increasingly recognized as important posttranscriptional re
- PMID 25810742
- Lophirones B and C extenuate AFB1-mediated oxidative onslaught on cellular proteins, lipids, and DNA through Nrf-2 expression.
- Ajiboye TO1, Yakubu MT, Oladiji AT.
- Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology.J Biochem Mol Toxicol.2014 Dec;28(12):558-67. doi: 10.1002/jbt.21598. Epub 2014 Aug 26.
- The capability of lophirones B and C to extenuate aflatoxin B1 (AFB1)-mediated onslaught on cellular proteins, lipids, and DNA was investigated for 6 weeks. Lophirones B and C significantly (P < 0.05) increase the expression and specific activity of cytoprotective enzymes (glutathione-S-trans-fer
- PMID 25154877
- A 61-year-old man with disseminated intravascular coagulation: a case report.
- Wagenhäuser MU1, Ertas N2, Sagban TA2, Witte M2, Hoffman T3, Schelzig H2, Oberhuber A2.
- Annals of vascular surgery.Ann Vasc Surg.2014 Aug;28(6):1566.e17-22. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2014.01.024. Epub 2014 Feb 12.
- BACKGROUND: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) can frequently be observed in patients with severe inflammatory response. It is still correlated with a poor prognosis. Activation of coagulation activity leads to occlusions of small vessels resulting in various organ failure symptoms. In add
- PMID 24530714
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- extenuate. About Our Definitions: All forms of a word (noun, verb, etc.) are now displayed on one page. ex·ten·u·ate. transitive verb \ik-ˈsten-yə-ˌwāt, -yü-ˌāt\. ex·ten·u·at·edex·ten·u·at·ing. Definition of EXTENUATE. 1. a archaic : to make light ...
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