- belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals"
- a double layer of peritoneum that attaches to the back wall of the abdominal cavity and supports the small intestines
- (植物の)背部の,背の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/05 22:55:03」(JST)
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Dorsal mesentery |
Abdominal part of digestive tube and its attachment to the primitive or common mesentery. Human embryo of six weeks.
Schematic figure of the bursa omentalis, etc. Human embryo of eight weeks.
Details |
Latin |
mesenterium dorsale commune |
Gray's |
p.1103 |
/Elsevier |
m_10/12526373 |
Anatomical terminology |
The portion of mesentery attached to the greater curvature of the stomach is named the dorsal mesentery (or dorsal mesogastrium, when referring to the portion at the stomach), and the part which suspends the colon is termed the mesocolon.
The dorsal mesogastrium develops into the greater omentum.
Mesentery in red. Dorsal mesentery is the lower part of the circuit. The upper part is ventral mesentery.
This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
Development of the digestive system
Gut |
Foregut |
- Stomodeum
- Buccopharyngeal membrane
- Rathke's pouch
- Tracheoesophageal septum
- Accessory digestive glands
- Pancreatic bud
- Hepatic diverticulum
Midgut |
Hindgut |
- Urorectal septum
- Proctodeum
- Cloaca
Other |
Mesentery |
Thoracic diaphragm |
Cavities |
- Intra-embryonic coelom
- Extra-embryonic coelom
Index of digestion
Description |
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Gluten sensitivity
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- Blood tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- anabolic steroids
- antacids
- diarrhoea and infection
- bile and liver
- functional gastrointestinal disorders
- laxatives
- peptic ulcer and reflux
- nausea and vomiting
- other
- Surgery
Anatomy of the peritoneum and mesentery
General |
Abdominal |
mesentery |
- Lesser omentum
- Hepatoduodenal ligament
- Hepatogastric ligament
- Liver
- Coronary ligament
- (Left triangular ligament
- Right triangular ligament
- Hepatorenal ligament)
- Falciform ligament (Round ligament of liver and Ligamentum venosum in it, but not of it)
mesentery |
- Greater omentum
- Gastrophrenic ligament
- Gastrocolic ligament
- Gastrosplenic ligament
- Mesentery
- Transverse mesocolon
- Sigmoid mesocolon
- Mesoappendix
- Root of the mesentery
- Splenorenal ligament
- Phrenicocolic ligament
- Folds
- Umbilical folds
- Supravesical fossa
- Medial inguinal fossa
- Lateral umbilical fold
- Lateral inguinal fossa
- Ileocecal fold
cavity |
- Greater sac
- Lesser sac
- Omental foramen
General |
- Cystohepatic triangle
- Hepatorenal recess of subhepatic space
- Abdominal wall
- Peritoneal recesses
- Paracolic gutters
- Paramesenteric gutters
Pelvic |
Uterus/ovaries |
- Broad ligament of the uterus
- Mesovarium
- Mesosalpinx
- Mesometrium)
- Ovarian ligament
- Suspensory ligament of ovary
Recesses |
- Male
- Recto-vesical pouch
- Pararectal fossa
- Female
- Recto-uterine pouch
- Recto-uterine fold (Uterosacral ligament)
- Vesico-uterine pouch
- Ovarian fossa
- Paravesical fossa
Spaces |
- Extraperitoneal space
- Retroperitoneal space
- Retropubic space
Index of digestion
Description |
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Gluten sensitivity
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- Blood tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- anabolic steroids
- antacids
- diarrhoea and infection
- bile and liver
- functional gastrointestinal disorders
- laxatives
- peptic ulcer and reflux
- nausea and vomiting
- other
- Surgery
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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Related Links
- The portion of mesentery attached to the greater curvature of the stomach is named the dorsal mesentery (or dorsal mesogastrium, when referring to the portion at the stomach), and the part which suspends the colon is termed the ...
- Dorsal mesentery Definition It is the part of mesentery that is joined to the greater curvature of the stomach. The section of this mesentery that is present ... Patient Help provides the best information on diseases and conditions. It is ...
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- 英
- dorsal mesentery
- 関
- 腸間膜
- 関
- dorsally、dorsum、notal