- a writer who reports and analyzes events of the day (同)reviewer
- 注釈者 / (ラジオ・てレビの)解説者,実況放送者
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A commentator is a person who comments or expresses an opinion on a subject.
Specific commentators may include:
- A pundit, who offers to mass media their opinion or commentary on a particular subject area
- A political or social commentator, who practices advocacy journalism by adopting a non-objective viewpoint for some social or political purpose
- A biblical commentator, who offers comments on the Bible
- A sports commentator, who gives a running commentary of a sports game or event
- A color commentator, who specifically provides expert analysis and background information during a sports game or event in real time
Commentator or commentators may also refer to:
- Postglossator or commentator, a member of a European legal school which arose in France in the fourteenth century
- Averroes (1126-1198), Muslim polymath and philosopher known as "The Commentator"
- Commentator (horse), American Thoroughbred racehorse
- "The Commentators", a 1985 UK hit single/parody by the impressionist Rory Bremner
English Journal
- Genetic modifications for personal enhancement: a defence.
- Murphy TF.AbstractBioconservative commentators argue that parents should not take steps to modify the genetics of their children even in the name of enhancement because of the damage they predict for values, identities and relationships. Some commentators have even said that adults should not modify themselves through genetic interventions. One commentator worries that genetic modifications chosen by adults for themselves will undermine moral agency, lead to less valuable experiences and fracture people's sense of self. These worries are not justified, however, since the effects of modification will not undo moral agency as such. Adults can still have valuable experiences, even if some prior choices no longer seem meaningful. Changes at the genetic level will not always, either, alienate people from their own sense of self. On the contrary, genetic modifications can help amplify choice, enrich lives and consolidate identities. Ultimately, there is no moral requirement that people value their contingent genetic endowment to the exclusion of changes important to them in their future genetic identities. Through weighing risks and benefits, adults also have the power to consent to-and assume the risks of-genetic modifications for themselves in a way not possible in prenatal genetic interventions.
- Journal of medical ethics.J Med Ethics.2013 Apr 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bioconservative commentators argue that parents should not take steps to modify the genetics of their children even in the name of enhancement because of the damage they predict for values, identities and relationships. Some commentators have even said that adults should not modify themselves throug
- PMID 23612680
- Assessing findings from the fast track study.
- Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group.AbstractOBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper is to respond to the Commentary, "Reassessing Findings from the Fast Track Study: Problems of Methods and Analysis" provided by E. Michael Foster (Foster, this issue) to our article "Fast Track Intervention Effects on Youth Arrests and Delinquency" (Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group 2010, Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6, 131-157). Our response begins with a description of the mission and goals of the Fast Track project, and how they guided the original design of the study and continue to inform outcome analyses. Then, we respond to the Commentary's five points in the order they were raised.
- Journal of experimental criminology.J Exp Criminol.2013 Mar 1;9(1):119-126. Epub 2013 Jan 30.
- OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper is to respond to the Commentary, "Reassessing Findings from the Fast Track Study: Problems of Methods and Analysis" provided by E. Michael Foster (Foster, this issue) to our article "Fast Track Intervention Effects on Youth Arrests and Delinquency" (Conduct Problems
- PMID 23539066
- Health bill arose from attempt to accommodate Lib Dem as well as Tory ideas, says commentator.
- Hawkes N.
- BMJ (Clinical research ed.).BMJ.2012 Jul 16;345:e4833. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e4833.
- PMID 22802408
Japanese Journal
- 山田わかの母性主義を支えた家庭生活 : 家族関連新出資料をとおして
- 解説者から見た第3回電聖戦(<小特集>コンピュータ囲碁の最前線)
- コメンテーター冒頭発言 AKISに学ぶ普及方法の原点とは : 不易流行、新しい普及方法の実現には原点回帰 (平成26年度春季大会シンポジウム 新時代の普及方法を切り拓く : 農業・農村イノベーションへ向けた革新普及システム(AKIS)をめぐって)
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- commentatorとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 実況放送アナウンサー;時事解説者a news commentatorニュース解説者.2 注釈[評釈]者. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
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