- 関
- cardiac muscle fiber
- tell a relatively insignificant lie; "Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you dont call it lying"
- a trivial lie; "he told a fib about eating his spinach"; "how can I stop my child from telling stories?" (同)story, tale, tarradiddle, taradiddle
- a slender and greatly elongated substance capable of being spun into yarn (同)fibre
- a leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth (同)fibre, vulcanized fiber
- any of several elongated, threadlike cells (especially a muscle fiber or a nerve fiber) (同)fibre
- of or relating to the heart; "cardiac arrest"
- the opening into the stomach and that part of the stomach connected to the esophagus
- (ささいな,罪のない)うそ / 軽いうそをつく
- 心臓の
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English Journal
- Sphingolipid metabolism, oxidant signaling, and contractile function of skeletal muscle.
- Nikolova-Karakashian MN, Reid MB.SourceDepartment of Physiology and Center for Muscle Biology, University of Kentucky , Lexington, Kentucky.
- Antioxidants & redox signaling.Antioxid Redox Signal.2011 Nov 1;15(9):2501-17. Epub 2011 Jun 8.
- Abstract Significance: Sphingolipids are a class of bioactive lipids that regulate diverse cell functions. Ceramide, sphingosine, and sphingosine-1-phosphate accumulate in tissues such as liver, brain, and lung under conditions of cellular stress, including oxidative stress. The activity of some sph
- PMID 21453197
- Evaluation of dietary habits and assessment of cardiovascular disease risk factors among Greek university students.
- Chourdakis M, Tzellos T, Pourzitaki C, Toulis KA, Papazisis G, Kouvelas D.SourceDepartment of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 1532, GR-54006 Thessaloniki, Greece. mhourd@med.auth.gr
- Appetite.Appetite.2011 Oct;57(2):377-83. Epub 2011 May 27.
- The aim of this study was the evaluation of dietary habits in regard to cardiovascular risk status in university students in Northern Greece. 215 students (101 males) (age 21.5±2.3 years) participated in the study. Dietary intake was determined by using 3-day food record (1 weekend day). Recorded e
- PMID 21651931
Japanese Journal
- 西 勝弘,刑部 光正,伊関 憲
- 山形大学紀要. 医学 : 山形医学 29(2), 71-76, 2011-08-15
- 44歳、女性。乗用車を運転中に意識消失し、20分後に救急隊が到着した際には心肺停 止状態であった。心電図上は心室細動であり、心肺蘇生法や除細動等を施行しながら、 当院救急部へ搬送された。救命処置を行うも反応なく、死亡が確認された。autopsy imagingを施行したが、明らかな死因の特定に至らず、剖検を行った。冠動脈3枝のい ずれにおいても粥状動脈硬化を認め、さらに左前下行枝の中枢側には壁在性 …
- NAID 110008614768
- Purkinje fiber, Ligament of Marshallと不整脈 : ―臨床的立場から
- 宮内 靖史,林 明聡,岩崎 雄樹,森田 典成,小林 義典,加藤 貴雄,水野 杏一
- 心電図 30(3), 275-280, 2010
- Purkinje線維は刺激伝導に特化した筋線維組織である.虚血に対する耐性が強く,動物の心筋梗塞モデルにおいて残存Purkinje線維が心室頻拍(VT)の起源となることが知られている.ヒトにおいては心筋梗塞後の多形性VTや心室細動(VF)を誘発する期外収縮の発生源となるとともに,Purkinje線維網自体がその後のリエントリーの基質となりうることも判明している.正常心でも,ベラパミル感受性特発性左 …
- NAID 130000432017
Related Links
- Measuring and mapping cardiac fiber and laminar architecture using diffusion tensor MR imaging. Helm P, Beg MF, Miller MI, Winslow RL. The Center for Cardiovascular Bioinformatics & Modeling, The Johns Hopkins University School of ...
- 英
- cardiac fiber、cardiac muscle fiber
- 関
- cardiac fiber
- 関
- cardio、cardiotonic、heart、mind