- a substance that oozes out from plant pores (同)exudation
- 浸出液
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English Journal
- Mizuno K, Takahashi J.AbstractFifty-two patients with ocular sarcoidosis were studied to determine how intraocular tissues are affected in this disease. Of 102 eyes, 36 (35.3%) had iris nodules, 50 (49.0%) demonstrated nodules in the anterior chamber angle, 42 (41.2%) showed ciliary nodules, 37 (36.3%) had snowball vitreous opacities, and 21 (20.6%) exhibited candlewax drippings on the retinal vessels. Special note was made of sarcoid changes in the ciliary processes using cycloscopy. Of the total 102 eyes, nodules in the ciliary processes were most predominant in 42 (41.2%), waxy exudates were observed in 25 (24.5%), cyclitic membrane-like exudates were seen in the posterior chamber, in 3 (2.9%), and swelling of the ciliary processes occurred in 12 (11.8%). There were no observable changes in 20 eyes (19.6%). It is remarkable that these changes occur in 80.4% of eyes with intraocular sarcoidosis.
- Ophthalmology.Ophthalmology.1986 Apr;93(4):511-7.
- Fifty-two patients with ocular sarcoidosis were studied to determine how intraocular tissues are affected in this disease. Of 102 eyes, 36 (35.3%) had iris nodules, 50 (49.0%) demonstrated nodules in the anterior chamber angle, 42 (41.2%) showed ciliary nodules, 37 (36.3%) had snowball vitreous opac
- PMID 3703527
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- decoction、effusion、leachate、transudate、transudation