- the quantity contained in a box; "he gave her a box of chocolates" (同)boxful
- evergreen shrubs or small trees (同)boxwood
- a rectangular drawing; "the flowchart contained many boxes"
- hit with the fist; "Ill box your ears!"
- the drivers seat on a coach; "an armed guard sat in the box with the driver" (同)box_seat
- private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance; "the royal box was empty" (同)loge
- a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid; "he rummaged through a box of spare parts"
- a blow with the hand (usually on the ear); "I gave him a good box on the ear"
- any one of several designated areas on a ball field where the batter or catcher or coaches are positioned; "the umpire warned the batter to stay in the batters box"
- separate partitioned area in a public place for a few people; "the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold"
- put into a box; "box the gift, please" (同)package
- engage in a boxing match
- enclosed in or set off by a border or box; "boxed sections of the report"; "boxed announcements in the newspaper"
- enclosed in or as if in a box; "boxed cigars"; "a confining boxed-in space"; "felt boxed in by the traffic" (同)boxed-in, boxed in
- fighting with the fists (同)pugilism, fisticuffs
- (ナットに合わせた頭のついた)箱型スパナ
- 『箱』 / (の…)『1箱』《+『of』+『名』》 / (劇場などの)さじき席 ます席 / 番小屋,詰め所 / (野球で)バッターボックス;コーチャーズボックス;ピッチャーズマウンド;キャッチャーの定位置 / (線で囲った)四角のわく,囲み;(新聞・雑誌の) / (郵便の)私書箱 / 《the box》《英俗》テレビ / …'を'箱に入れる,箱詰めにする
- 〈C〉(平手・こぶしの)びんた,張り手,ひと打ち / 〈人〉‘と'ボクシングをする / …'を'平手で打つ,こぶしでなぐる / (…と)ボクシングをする《+『with』(『against』)+『名』》
- 〈C〉〈U〉ツゲ(常緑低木) / 〈U〉=boxwood
- 『ボクシング』
- スパナ,ねじ回し(《米》wrench)
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