- an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
- leader of the Nez Perce in their retreat from United States troops (1840-1904) (同)Chief Joseph
- (New Testament) husband of Mary and (in Christian belief) the foster father of Jesus
- (Old Testament) the 11th son of Jacob and one of the 12 patriarchs of Israel; Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors, which made his brothers jealous and they sold him into slavery in Egypt
- caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes" (同)morbid, pathologic, pathological
- (体の)『病気』,疾患 / (精神・道徳などの)病気,病弊
- 女性の話術芸人 =diseur
- ヨセフ(Jacobの子;;旧約聖書「創世記」) / 聖ヨセフ(聖雑マリアの夫;新約聖書「マタイによる福音書」)
- 病気にかかった / 病的な,不健全な(morbid)
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English Journal
- Spinal cord histopathology of MOG peptide 35-55-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is time- and score-dependent.
- Recks MS, Addicks K, Kuerten S.SourceDepartment of Anatomy I, University of Cologne, Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 9, 50931 Cologne, Germany.
- Neuroscience letters.2011 May 2;494(3):227-31. Epub 2011 Mar 21.
- In the present study, we demonstrate that the histopathologic features of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) peptide 35-55-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6 mice closely mirror the hallmarks of MS pathology. On the one hand, we depict a time-dependent transiti
- PMID 21406210
Japanese Journal
- Molecular epidemiology of camel trypanosomiasis based on ITS1 rDNA and RoTat 1.2 VSG gene in the Sudan
- Salim Bashir,Bakheit Mohammed A.,Kamau Joseph,Nakamura Ichiro,Sugimoto Chihiro
- Parasites & Vectors 4, 31, 2011-03-04
- … In addition, the disease is highly prevalent in the country, which strengthens the need to change control policies and institute measures that help prevent the spread of the parasite. …
- NAID 120002834833
Related Links
- Machado-Joseph disease information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). ... What is Machado-Joseph Disease? Machado-Joseph disease (MJD)—also called spinocerebellar ataxia ...
- Machado-Joseph Disease information including symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes, patient stories, videos, forums, prevention, and prognosis. ... Machado-Joseph Disease: Introduction Machado-Joseph Disease:
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- 英
- spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, SCA3
- 同
- マシャド・ジョセフ病, Machado-Joseph病, Machado-Joseph disease, MJD、 ジョセフ病 Joseph disease、アゾレス病 Azorean disease
- 関
- コリエー徴候、緩徐眼球運動、脊髄小脳変性症
- 日本における優性遺伝脊髄小脳変性症の中で最多で1/4を占める。これにSCA6、DRPLA、16q-ADCAが続く
- Ataxin3遺伝子におけるCAGリピートの伸張による
- 1型:若年発症。錐体路症状、ジストニアなどの錐体外路症状。
- 2型:成人発症。痙性失調症、眼振
- 3型:高齢発症。筋萎縮、末梢神経障害などを伴う。
- 4型:パーキンソン症候群を伴う。まれ
- 顔面菌の線維束性収縮、ミオキミア、びっくり眼 → よく見られる。
- http://omim.org/entry/109150
- 疾患:illnessより厳密な概念。「ある臓器に明確な障害が確認され、それによって症状が出ているとはっきり説明できる場合」 (PSY.9)
- 特定の原因、病態生理、症状、経過、予後、病理組織所見が全てそろった場合 (PSY.9)
- something that is very wrong with people's attitudes, way of life or with society.
- 関
- ail、ailment、disease entity、disorder、ill、illness、malady、sick、sickness
- disease ≠ illness ≠ disorder